
科学分类 编辑
演化支 SAR 超类群 SAR
门: 丝足虫门 Cercozoa
纲: Granofilosea Granofilosea
目: Leucodictyida目 Leucodictyida
科: Massisteriidae科 Massisteriidae
属: 多聚毛属 Massisteria
Larsen & Patterson, 1990
  • M. marina Larsen & Patterson 1990
  • M. voersi Mylnikov et al. 2015

多聚毛属(Massisteria)是丝足虫门下的一种属。[1] 该属包含两个物种:多聚洋毛虫(Massisteria marina)和多聚覆毛虫(Massisteria voersi)。多聚覆毛虫十分微小,大小仅有2.3-3微米,是丝足虫门最小的生物之一。[2]


  1. ^ Thomas Cavalier-Smith & Ema E.-Y. Chao. Phylogeny and classification of phylum Cercozoa (Protozoa). Protist. October 2003, 154 (3–4): 341–358. PMID 14658494. doi:10.1078/143446103322454112. 
  2. ^ Mylnikov, Alexander P.; Weber, Felix; Jürgens, Klaus; Wylezich, Claudia. Massisteria marina has a sister: Massisteria voersi sp. nov., a rare species isolated from coastal waters of the Baltic Sea. European Journal of Protistology. 2015-08-01, 51 (4): 299–310. ISSN 1618-0429. PMID 26163290. doi:10.1016/j.ejop.2015.05.002.