^Thị Chơi Triệu, Trieu Thi Choi, Marcel Isaak Food of Vietnam - Authentic Recipes from the Heart of Indochina 1998 Page 124 "BANH GOI & BANH PHU THE - Wrapped Rice Cakes & Husband and Wife Cakes Opposite: Wrapped Rice Cakes (left) and Husband and Wife Cakes (right) "
^Kong Foong Ling, Ming Tsai, Chiong Liew The Food of Asia Page 186 2002 "Banh Phu The - Husband and Wife Cakes The name of this traditional dessert comes from the two parts that are ..."
^World and Its Peoples: Eastern and Southern Asia Volume 6 Marshall Cavendish Corporation - 2007 - Page 839 "Before the wedding meal, a bride may receive banh phu the, a dessert traditionally given by a suitor and now part of many wedding banquets."