家白蟻屬(Coptotermes)或稱乳白蟻屬,是白蟻中的一屬。其中包括了台灣家白蟻(Coptotermes formosanus)、格斯特家白蟻(Coptotermes gestroi)與大家白蟻(Coptotermes curvignathus)等物種。
本屬中的台灣家白蟻(Coptotermes formosanus)及格斯特家白蟻(Coptptermes gestroi)為重要的世界入侵種,廣泛的入侵世界各地,入侵性極強,因此,許多文獻或相關報導指出家白蟻屬的物種入侵性極強,這點是錯誤的,事實上,家白蟻屬下的物種眾多(65種)[1],其中具有極強入侵性的台灣家白蟻及格斯特家白蟻只是其中兩種,該屬其他成員的入侵性極低[1]。
Copto- 是cut的意思,Wasmann 在1896年命名時指出,由於這類白蟻兵蟻的前額(側面觀)有截斷的切面,而這個位置有明顯的額腺開口,所以用 Copto- 這個特徵來命名;而Termes 則是termite的意思[2]。
- Coptotermes acinaciformis (Froggatt, 1898)
- Coptotermes amanii (Sjöstedt, 1911)
- Coptotermes amboinensis Kemner, 1931
- Coptotermes bannaensis He & Xia, 1986
- Coptotermes beckeri Chhotani & Mathur, 1969
- Coptotermes bentongensis Krishna, 1956
- Coptotermes boetonensis Kemner, 1934
- Coptotermes brunneus Gay, 1955
- Coptotermes ceylonicus Holmgren, 1911
- Coptotermes changtaiensis He & Xia, 1986
- 朝鲜乳白蚁 Coptotermes chaoxianensis Li & Huang, 1985
- Coptotermes cochlearus He & Xia, 1986
- Coptotermes cooloola Lee, Evans, Cameron, Ho, Namyatova & Lo, 2017
- Coptotermes crassus Snyder, 1922
- Coptotermes curvignathus Holmgren, 1913
- Coptotermes cyclocoryphus Ma, Li & Zhu, 1984
- Coptotermes dimorphus He & Xia, 1986
- Coptotermes dobonicus Oshima, 1914
- Coptotermes dreghorni Hill, 1942
- Coptotermes elisae (Desneux, 1905)
- Coptotermes emersoni Ahmad, 1953
- 台湾乳白蚁 Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki, 1909
- Coptotermes frenchi Hill, 1932
- Coptotermes fumipennis (Walker, 1853)
- Coptotermes gambrinus Roisin & Bourguignon, 2011
- Coptotermes gaurii Krishna & Roonwal, 1955
- 格斯特家白蟻 Coptotermes gestroi (Wasmann, 1896)
- Coptotermes grandiceps Snyder, 1925
- Coptotermes grandis Huang & Li, 1985
- 广东乳白蚁 Coptotermes guangdongensis Ping, 1985
- 贵州乳白蚁 Coptotermes guizhouensis Qiu & He, 1992
- Coptotermes gulangyuensis Huang & Li, 1986
- 海南乳白蚁 Coptotermes hainanensis Tsai & Li, 1985
- Coptotermes heimi (Wasmann, 1902)
- Coptotermes hekouensis He & Xia, 1986
- Coptotermes hirsutus Grimaldi & Krishna, 2009
- Coptotermes intermedius Silvestri, 1912
- Coptotermes kalshoveni Kemner, 1934
- Coptotermes kishori Chhotani & Roonwal, 1962
- Coptotermes lacteus (Froggatt, 1898)
- Coptotermes longignathus He & Xia, 1986
- Coptotermes longistriatus Huang & Li, 1985
- Coptotermes mauricianus (Rambur, 1842)
- Coptotermes melanoistriatus He, Lau & Gao, 1995
- Coptotermes menadoae Oshima, 1914
- Coptotermes menadoensis Oshima, 1914
- Coptotermes michaelseni Silvestri, 1909
- Coptotermes minutissimus Kemner, 1934
- Coptotermes monosetosus Li & Tsai, 1985
- Coptotermes nanus Lee, Evans, Cameron, Ho, Namyatova & Lo, 2017
- 黑乳白蚁 Coptotermes niger Snyder, 1922
- Coptotermes ochraceus Xu & Ping, 1986
- Coptotermes oshimai Davis & Light, 1929
- Coptotermes paleodominicanus Grimaldi & Krishna, 2009
- Coptotermes pamuae Snyder, 1925
- Coptotermes paradoxus (Sjöstedt, 1911)
- Coptotermes peregrinator Kemner, 1934
- Coptotermes premrasmii Ahmad, 1965
- Coptotermes priscus Emerson, 1971
- Coptotermes remotus Hill, 1927
- Coptotermes sepangensis Krishna, 1956
- Coptotermes shanghaiensis He & Xia, 1986
- Coptotermes silvaticus Harris, 1968
- Coptotermes sinabangensis Oshima, 1923
- Coptotermes sjoestedti
- Coptotermes sjostedti Holmgren, 1911
- Coptotermes sucineus Emerson, 1971
- 苏州乳白蚁 Coptotermes suzhouensis He & Xia, 1986
- Coptotermes testaceus (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Coptotermes travians (Haviland, 1898)
- Coptotermes truncatus (Wasmann, 1897)
- Coptotermes varicapitatus Li & Tsai, 1985
- Coptotermes vastator Light, 1929
- ^ 1.0 1.1 T H O M A S C H O U V E N C1, H O U- F E N G L I2, JA M E S AU S T I N3, C H R I S T I A N B O R D E R E AU4, T H O M A S B O U R G U I G N O N5,20, S T E P H E N L . C A M E RO N6, E L I A NA M. C A N C E L L O7, R E G I NA L D O C O N S TA N T I N O8, A NA M A R I A C O S TA - L E O NA R D O9, PAU L E G G L E TO N10, T H E O D O R E A . E VA N S11, B R I A N F O R S C H L E R12, J . K E N N E T H G R AC E13, C L A U D I A H U S S E N E D E R14, J A N K Rˇ ECˇ E K 1, C H OW - YA N G L E E15, T I M OT H Y L E E5, NAT H A N L O5, MAT T H E W M E S S E N G E R16, A A RO N M U L L I N S1, A L A I N RO B E RT17, Y V E S RO I S I N18, RU D O L F H . S C H E F F R A H N1, DAV I D S I L L A M- D U S SÈ S17,19, JA N Š O B OT NÍ K 20, A L L E N S Z A L A N S K I21, YO KO TA K E M AT S U22, E DWA R D L . VA R G O23, A K I N O R I YA M A DA24, T S U YO S H I YO S H I M U R A25 and N A N - YA O S U1. Revisiting Coptotermes (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae): a global taxonomic road map for species validity and distribution of an economically important subterranean termite genus. Systematic Entomology. 2016, (41): 299-306. doi:10.1111/syen.12157.
- ^ Hou-Feng Li. Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki, 1909. 2013-11-06 [2018/VIII/01]. (原始内容存档于2018-08-01).
- ^ Coptotermes Wasmann, 1896. GBIF.