當凱庫巴德一世成為蘇丹後,他任命一位名為穆雅德丁·穆罕默德·本·阿里·本·艾哈邁德·塔哈曼(Mūhy ad-Dîn Muhammad bin Ali bin Ahmad Tahīmī)的什叶派信徒成為錫瓦斯的卡迪,巴巴·伊沙克早年是這位來自波斯設拉子地區蘇菲派神學家的學生,並跟隨其身旁學習古兰经的教義[4]。不過巴巴·伊沙克的真實身分其實是來自科穆宁家族的一員,他真正的目標是在阿馬西亞一帶建立起一個基督徒的附庸國,為了達成此目的,巴巴·伊沙克將自己真正的身份偽裝起來,並開始宣揚融合伊斯蘭教與基督教信仰的學說[5]。在一次參加穆雅德丁於設拉子地區的講課活動中,巴巴·伊沙克被當時阿薩辛派的首領任命肩負起在安那托利亞地區傳播什葉派教義的使命,從此開始了他的傳道生涯[2]。
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^Cyrille Fijnaut & Letizia Paoli (2006). "Organised Crime in Europe: Concepts, Patterns and Control Policies in the European Union and Beyond (Studies of Organized Crime)". Springer; 2004 edition. ISBN1402051360. P209
^De Nicola, B., Yıldız, S. N., & Peacock, A. C. S. (Eds.). (2015). Islam and Christianity in MedievalAnatolia. Ashgate Publishing, Ltd.Pg 317
Claude Cahen, “Bābā’ī,” Encyclopaedia of Islam, edited by P. Bearman, et al. (Brill, 2007).
Claude Cahen, Pre-Ottoman Turkey: a general survey of the material and spiritual culture and history, trans. J. Jones-Williams (New York: Taplinger, 1968), 136-7.
Speros Vryonis, The Decline of Medieval Hellenism in Asia Minor and the Process of Islamization from the Eleventh through the Fifteenth Century (University of California Press, 1971), 134.