历史上最后一名平信徒枢机特奥多夫·默特尔 。在他1858年被任命为枢机之后几个月他才被祝圣为执事
平信徒枢机 (英語:lay cardinal )指天主教 中以平信徒 身份被指定为枢机 (俗称红衣主教)者。因成为枢机至少要是执事[ 1] ,因此平信徒枢机在得到任命后必定领受圣秩圣事 ,成为天主教的神职人员[ 2] 。
虽历史上有平信徒枢机出现,但20世纪初天主教教会法修改后,成为枢机者即便是就任执事级枢机 也必须先晋铎 ,因此目前平信徒已不能再被指定为枢机,平信徒枢机已是一个历史名词[ 3] 。
1917年,教宗修改天主教教会法,规定今后即便是枢机中最低的执事级枢机必须由拥有铎职者担任,自此平信徒无法再被指定为枢机,平信徒枢机成为历史[ 11] 。
根据一些报导,保禄六世 与若望保禄二世 都曾考虑过任命平信徒枢机,但最后均未付诸行动[ 12] [ 13] 。
^ Cartwright, William Cornwallis . On Papal Conclaves . Edinburgh: Edmonston and Douglas. 1868: 123. Laymen were named Cardinals only for twelve months, being bound within that period to take Deacon's orders
^ Cartwright, William Cornwallis . On Papal Conclaves . Edinburgh: Edmonston and Douglas. 1868: 121–122. In all these cases, however, it is clear that some orders had been taken; and therefore, in the strict sense of the term, these Cardinals were no longer laymen.
^ Code of Canon Law. 1983. Canon 351 §1 Archive.is 的存檔 ,存档日期2019-04-08.
^ 4.0 4.1 Cartwright, William Cornwallis . On Papal Conclaves . Edinburgh: Edmonston and Douglas. 1868: 120–122.
^ Feros, Antonio. Kingship and Favoritism in the Spain of Philip III. Cambridge University Press. 2006: 241.
^ Francisco Gómez Cardinal Rojas de Sandoval . Catholic Hierarchy. [2023-02-25 ] . (原始内容存档 于2023-02-25).
^ Miranda, Salvador. Consistory of July 29, 1619 . The Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church. Florida International University . [2023-02-25 ] . (原始内容存档 于2022-10-24).
^ Miranda, Salvador. Consistory of February 23, 1801 . The Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church. Florida International University . [2023-02-25 ] . (原始内容存档 于2023-02-25).
^ Mister Marino Carafa di Belvedere . Catholic Hierarchy. [2023-02-25 ] . (原始内容存档 于2023-02-25).
^ Teodolfo Cardinal Mertel . Catholic Hierarchy. [2023-02-25 ] . (原始内容存档 于2023-04-06).
^ Code of Canon Law. 1917. Canon 232 §1.
^ 沃耶蒂瓦教宗的发言人,远不止是发言人的纳瓦∙罗瓦尔斯安息主怀 . vatican insider. [2023-02-02 ] . (原始内容存档 于2023-02-25).
^ Jacques Maritain Dies at 90 . The New York Times . April 29, 1973 [April 27, 2022] . (原始内容存档 于2023-02-25).