Peirce's and Lewis's Theories of Induction (In English), Martinus Nijhoff Publishing Company, The Hague, The Netherlands , 1969. 206 pages.
Tai Chen's Inquiry into Goodness, A Study with A Translation of Yuan Shan (In English), The East-West Center Press, Honolulu , 1971. 176 pages .
The Philosophical Aspects of the Mind-Body Problem (In English), (Editing with Introduction and Article by Myself), University Press of Hawaii , Honolulu, 1975. 221 pages .
Chinese Studies in Philosophy , A translation quarterly edited by me from 1965 to 1995, Sharpe Publishers, New York .
New Dimensions of Confucian/ Neo-Confucian Philosophy (In English), State University of New York Press, Albany , 1991. 619 pages
Distribution of Power and Rewards: Studies in Democracy and Social Justice (In English), edited with James Hsiung, with my own article included, University Press of America, Washington, D.C., 1991. 443 pages
Journal of Chinese Philosophy (In English), a quarterly philosophical publication founded and edited by me since 1973, always published on time, now in the 27 th year without any break, a celebrated and authoritative publication in Chinese philosophy under my editorship which has brought Chinese philosophy to the mainstream of world philosophy. Volumes 1-7 published by Reidel Publishers of Netherlands, Volumes 8-26 published by the Dialogue Publishing of Honolulu, Volume 27 (year 2000) to present, published by Blackwell Publishers of London and Boston.
Contemporary Chinese Philosophy (In English), edited with Nick Bunnin, with Foreword and After-word of more than 50 pages by me, Blackwell Publishers, Boston United States and Oxford, England, 2002. 427 pages
14 Major Entries in Encyclopedia of Chinese Philosophy, edited by Antonio Cua, Routledge, London and New York, 2003. Circa 180 pages.