在佔領了荷蘭地亞之後,法蘭西斯·魏改派至美國第六軍團的第10軍,準備參與菲律賓的入侵行動。1944年10月20日,他的師與同樣隸屬第10軍之下的第1騎兵師聯合從雷伊泰島登陸[8]。當魏上尉進入了紅灘(Red Beach)後,駐島日軍在稻田中央的棕櫚樹林裡用槍火瞄準美軍登陸部隊射擊。魏上尉是隨著第五批次的部隊上岸,而他看到前面四波的搶灘士兵群龍無首、組織遭到打散,日軍火力也將其壓制到寸步難行。僅管魏上尉的任務是留守海灘、並沒有義務要冒險帶隊挺進內陸[4],但他還是立刻接下指揮權,並且在不憑掩護的情形下穿越稻田。他的以身作則激勵了其他官兵跟隨,置個人生死於度外地引誘日軍的機槍和步槍火力,進而使其位置暴露。接著,美軍開始有系統地強襲陣地內的日軍,並打敗他們。然而就當魏上尉在率領部下攻擊最後一座日軍碉堡時,中彈陣亡[9]。軍方由於魏上尉在雷伊泰島上的戰鬥,而頒發了傑出服役十字勳章給他。戰後,魏氏的遺體送到夏威夷的太平洋國家紀念公墓(英语:National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific)安葬[10][11],墓地位在Q區的1194號墳[10]。
註1^ :原文如下: Rank and organization: Captain, U.S. Army, Headquarters, 34th Infantry Place and date: Leyte, Philippine Islands, October 20, 1944 Entered service at: Honolulu, Hawaii Born: Honolulu, Hawaii Citation: "Captain Francis B. Wai distinguished himself by extraordinary heroism in action, on 20 October 1944, in Leyte, Philippine Islands. Captain Wai landed at Red Beach, Leyte, in the face of accurate, concentrated enemy fire from gun positions advantageously located in a palm grove bounded by submerged rice paddies. Finding the first four waves of American soldiers leaderless, disorganized, and pinned down on the open beach, he immediately assumed command. Issuing clear and concise orders, and disregarding heavy enemy machine gun and rifle fire, he began to move inland through the rice paddies without cover. The men, inspired by his cool demeanor and heroic example, rose from their positions and followed him. During the advance, Captain Wai repeatedly determined the locations of enemy strong points by deliberately exposing himself to draw their fire. In leading an assault upon the last remaining Japanese pillbox in the area, he was killed by its occupants. Captain Wai's courageous, aggressive leadership inspired the men, even after his death, to advance and destroy the enemy. His intrepid and determined efforts were largely responsible for the rapidity with which the initial beachhead was secured. Captain Wai's extraordinary heroism and devotion to duty are in keeping with the highest traditions of military service and reflect great credit on him, his unit, and the United States Army."
^ 5.05.1Sterner., C. Douglass. Go for Broke: The Nisei Warriors of World War II Who Conquered Germany. New York: American Legacy Media. 2007: 135. ISBN 0-9796896-1-9.