海地法語(法語:français haïtien [fʁɑ̃sɛ aisjɛ̃];海地克里奧爾語:fransè ayisyen)是法語的一種變體,主要使用於海地[1]。海地法語和使用於法國本土的標準法語接近,但和海地克里奧爾語不同。
- ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Haiti French Vs. Paris French. [2014-02-08]. (原始内容存档于2014-02-22).
- ^ 2.0 2.1 Blumenfeld, Robert. Accents: A Manual for Actors, Volume 1. 2002: 195 [2014-02-08]. ISBN 9780879109677.
- ^ DeGraff, Michel. Kreyòl Ayisyen, or Haitian Creole ('Creole French') (PDF). Holm, John; Patrick, Peter L. (编). Comparative Creole Syntax: Parallel Outlines of 18 Creole Grammars. London: Battlebridge. 2007: 101–102. ISBN 978-1-903292-01-3. OCLC 192098910. OL 12266293M. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2015-07-31).
- ^ Valdman, Albert. The Use of Creole as a School Medium and Decreolization in Haiti. Zuanelli Sonino, Elisabetta (编). Literacy in School and Society: Multidisciplinary Perspectives. Topics in Language and Linguistics. Springer Science & Business Media. 1989: 59 [2019-09-30]. ISBN 978-1-4899-0909-1. LCCN 89-35803. OCLC 646534330. OL 9382950W. doi:10.1007/978-1-4899-0909-1. (原始内容存档于2020-08-03).
In 1979, by a presidential decree, Haitian Creole was officially recognized as classroom medium and as school subject at the primary level. In the 1983 Constitution it was upgraded to the level of national language with French.
- ^ Efron, Edith. French and Creole Patois in Haiti. Caribbean Quarterly. 1954, 3 (4): 199–213. JSTOR 40652586. doi:10.1080/00086495.1954.11829534.
- Piston-Hatlen, D.; Clements, C.; Klingler, T.; Rottet, K. French in Haiti: Contacts and conflicts between linguistic representations. Pidgin-Creole Interfaces: Studies in Honor of Albert Valdman (John Benjamins Publishers, in Press).
- Etienne, Corinne. Lexical particularities of French in the Haitian press: Readers' perceptions and appropriation. Journal of French Language Studies. 2005, 15 (15 3): 257–277. doi:10.1017/S0959269505002152.
- Auger, J.; Word-Allbritton, A. The CVC of sociolinguistics: Contacts, variation, and culture, IULC. Indiana University, Bloomington. 2000, (2): 21–33.
- Schieffelin, Bambi B.; Doucet, Rachelle Charlier. The "Real" Haitian Creole: Ideology, metalinguistics, and orthographic choice. American Ethnologist. 1994, 21 (1): 176–200. doi:10.1525/ae.1994.21.1.02a00090.