海湾隧道 Transbay Tube | |
![]() 朝着跨灣隧道望去 | |
概览 | |
地点 | 加州旧金山湾 |
坐标 | 37°48′20″N 122°21′45″W / 37.80556°N 122.36250°W |
系统 | 湾区捷运系统(BART) |
铁路线 | 里士满-米尔布雷线 都柏林/普莱森顿-戴利城线 |
起点 | 旧金山市場街地鐵(内河码头站) |
终点 | 奥克兰奥克兰西站 |
车站数量 | 0 |
运营数据 | |
启用于 | 1974年 |
業主 | 旧金山湾区捷运系统委员会 |
运营单位 | 旧金山湾区捷运系统委员会 |
性质 | 城市轨道交通系统 |
技术数据 | |
线路长度 | 5.8 km(3.6 mi) |
軌道數目 | 2 |
轨距 | 5英尺6英寸(1,676毫米) |
电气化方式 | 1000 V |
最高海拔 | 海平面 |
最低海拔 | 低于海平面41米(135英尺) |
海湾隧道[1](英語:Transbay Tube),也稱跨灣隧道[2],是美國舊金山灣區捷運系統的一部分,位于加州舊金山灣下方,西端銜接舊金山市中心內的市場街地鐵隧道,以東則銜接至柏克萊、奧克蘭(屋崙)等東灣地區。隧道长3.6英里(5.8公里),如果从隧道边最近的车站计算,长度共计6英里(10公里)。隧道在地表以下最深达到135英尺(41米)。
这条隧道是湾区地铁初期计划的最后一部分。[3]除里奇蒙-費利蒙線外的所有地铁线都通过这里,所以此隧道是湾区地铁里最繁忙的区间,在高峰期每小时会有2.8万人次通过[4],最短班距只有2分半。[5] 地铁在隧道里可达到最高时速80英里每小時(130公里每小時), 是均速36英里每小時(58公里每小時) 的两倍多。[6]
最早的跨旧金山湾海底隧道的概念是由旧金山的“怪人”——自称“美利坚皇帝”的诺顿一世在1872年5月12日提出的。[7][8] 他在同年9月17日再次“下达”了这个“旨意”,还威胁要以“抗旨”为由“逮捕”奥克兰和旧金山两市的市长。[9]
这一概念被正式地提出是在1920年10月,由戈瑟尔斯少将,巴拿马运河的建造者提出。他的计划中考虑到了抗震的方面,提及了把隧道建在在湾区海底的海泥中,与今天的隧道几乎吻合。他预计的成本是50,000,000美元(相等於2023年的854,100,000美元)[10] 。不久后,在1921年7月,J. Vipond Davies和Ralph Modjeski又提出了隧道加桥梁的方案,这个方案和改良后的南部通道(从旧金山的使命岩和波卓洛角,向东至阿拉米達)很接近。两人同时指出了戈瑟尔斯将军的计划中,长距离公铁两用隧道潜在的通风问题,也暗示了仅通行电气化铁路隧道的可行性。[11]
1947年,一个联军委员会提议了海底隧道方案来解决已经服务了十年的海湾大桥的拥堵情况。[14] 这个建议后来在勒伯方案的可行性报告里被提出。[15][16]
设计概念和线路调整在1960年7月完成。[19] 一份1961年的报告预估隧道的成本大概是132,720,000美元(相等於2023年的1,353,210,000美元)。[20] 施工于1965年开始,并在1969年4月3日,最后一节安放成功后完成,[21] 湾区地铁随后发行了镀铜铝制纪念币来纪念。[22] 在设施安装之前,一部分隧道在1969年9月11日向行人开放。[23]
轨道和供电在1973年完成,随后在解决了加州公共设施委员会对于供电的自动调度系统的担忧后,隧道于1974年9月16日投入服务,[24] 比计划的时间晚了5年。[25] 首次试运行在1973年8月10日,一辆自动驾驶下的列车(编号222),载着包括湾区地铁工作人员、记者和政府要员在内的100名乘客,以68—70英里每小時(109—113公里每小時)的速度,用时7分钟,从奥克兰西站开往蒙哥马利站,尔后再以80英里每小時(130公里每小時)的全速,用时6分钟返回。[26]
隧道被安放再一条宽60英尺(18米)、深2英尺(0.61米)并铺满砂砾的壕沟里。在开凿壕沟和铺砾石时,工程师从海床共凿出了5,600,000立方碼(4,300,000立方米)的泥土,[27]并使用激光来校准方向,保证壕沟和砾石的误差分别小于3英寸(76毫米)和1.8英寸(46毫米) 。[28]
隧道共由57段组成,由伯利恒鋼鐵在70号码头的船坞制造[29][30] ,再由一条双体驳船载到海湾中间。[31] 在钢制外壳完工后,被水封的隔板也被安上并喷上水泥,形成2.3英尺(0.70米)的内壁和道床。随后,这些小节被“浮”在规划路线的上方,驳船也被拴在海床上,作为临时的牵引平台。[32] 小节都被灌入重500短噸(450公噸)的砂砾,然后再降到海床上平铺着软土、泥浆和砂砾的壕沟里。当小节到位后,潜水员会将其与其他已经到位的小节连接起来,再移除小节之间的隔板,改用沙子和碎石组成的保护层包起来。[33][31] 为了防止海水的侵蚀,隧道采用了陰極防蝕作为保护。[34]
计划共耗资1.8亿美元(相当于2016年的8.8亿美元),[35][36] 其中9000万被用于隧道的建造,其余的用于铺轨、电气化、通风和列车控制设施。[37]
隧道共57小节,每节长度在273至336英尺(83至102米)之间[39],平均长达328英尺(100米),宽48英尺(15米),高24英尺(7.3米),重10,000短噸(9,100公噸)[40] 。为了保证路线,大部分小节都是笔直的,但其中有15节有水平方向的弯曲,4节有垂直方向的弯曲,2节在两个维度上都有弯曲。[39] 每节的造价将近1,500,000美元(相等於2023年的12,460,000美元),基于施工合同的90,000,000美元(相等於2023年的747,770,000美元) 总成本。[41] 外围的钢壳厚度0.625英寸(15.9毫米)[42], 刚好能承受起自重和环的压力。 一位顾问——拉尔夫·派克教授说服了项目的工程师Tom Kuesel采用薄壳,因为泥土能自然形成支持[43]。
隧道由两个通道和中间的维护/行人走廊构成。每个隧道直径17英尺(5.2米), 两条隧道之间有一条走廊,其中上半部分有维护和控制设备、一条加压的消防水管、和两条条通风管道,换气速度为300,000立方英尺每分鐘(8,500立方米每分鐘)[44]。两条通风管可以通过远程操控的、长6英尺(1.8米)、高3英尺(0.91米)相互连通,而通风口则位于旧金山和奥克兰。两条隧道靠着走廊的两侧都有一条宽只有2.5英尺(0.76米)的步行平台[45],两侧墙壁上也各有56扇门,通往走廊的下半部分,从旧金山一侧编号依次递增,每扇间隔330英尺(100米)。通常这些门都是被锁住的,紧急时可以用工具打开。
1979年1月17日约18点,一辆开往旧金山方向的7节列车(编号117)在隧道内发生电气火灾[52][53] 。一位消防员——奥克兰消防局小队长威廉·埃利奥特,50岁[54] ——因为吸入浓烟,在救火时不幸殉职。 车上的40名乘客和2名地铁工作人员随后被另一方向的列车救起[55][56] 。此次灭火行动中低效的通讯和协调,促使美国消防协会(NFPA)增加运输行业的标准(NFPA 130, 固定线路运输和乘客轨道交通系统标准)[52]。
火虽然没有被完全扑灭,但是还是在22:45得到了控制。次日18点,奥克兰的消防员又再次前往地铁的车辆段,阻止已经面目全非的车厢里火势的扩大。[61] 湾区地铁在因隧道停运造成的1,000,000美元(相等於2023年的4,200,000美元)亏损基础上,还花费了1,100,000美元(相等於2023年的4,620,000美元)维修隧道和加强安全措施。[62]
随后,在同年的二月,湾区地铁管理局向旧金山和奥克兰消防局的局长提交了新的疏散方案,[63] 但是由于公共设施委员会主任理查德·葛拉威尔认为,“海底隧道的乘客应该意识到,地铁方面现在重开隧道,是不能提供有保障的服务的”,隧道在4月才恢复通行。[64] 两市消防局也批评湾区地铁方面没有让消防队充分掌握紧急情况的进展。[65]
旧金山纪事报在2010年做了一份调查,指出海底隧道是全地铁系统里噪音最大的部分,达到了100分貝,和一台电钻不相上下。[79] 噪音又因为四周的水泥墙壁,和隧道内弯曲的轨道,而非常尖锐,被形容为“女鬼的声音、尖叫的猫头鹰和《异世奇人》中失控的时光机”。[79] 2015年,地铁方面更换了6,500英尺(2,000米)、润滑了3英里(4.8公里)的轨道,有效减少了噪音,也得到了乘客的好评。[80]
Hitting speeds close to 80 mph only in the 3.6-mile tube under the bay, the trains average 36 mph for safety reasons, [BART spokesman Sy] Mouber said.
Believing Oakland Point to be the proper and only point of communication from this side of the Bay to San Francisco, we, Norton I, Dei gratia Emperor of the United State and Protector of Mexico, do hereby command the cities of Oakland and San Francisco to make an appropriation for paying the expense of a survey to determine the practicability of a tunnel under water; and if found practicable, that said tunnel be forthwith built for a railroad communication. Norton I. Given at Brooklyn the 12th day of May, 1812.
Whereas, we issued our decree, ordering the citizens of San Francisco and Oakland to appropriate funds for the survey of a suspension bridge from Oakland Point via Goat Island; also for a tunnel; and to ascertain which is the best project; and whereas, the said citizens have hitherto neglected to notice our said decree; and whereas, we are determined our authority shall be fully respected; now, therefore, we do hereby command the arrest, by the army, of both the Boards of City Fathers, if they persist in neglecting our decrees. Given under our royal hand and seal, at San Francisco, this 17th day of September, 1872. NORTON 1.
Howe & Peters, consulting engineers of San Francisco, have been working for nearly two years as Pacific Coast representatives of George W. Goethals, in getting together data on the construction of a subway for both vehicular and rail traffic, which would connect the foot of Market St. with Oakland Mole. Tentative plans on this project, made public some months ago, call for a shield-driven concrete tube, similar to the type General Goethals recommended for the New York-New Jersey tube under the Hudson River.
Provision would be made for two decks, the upper for use of motor vehicles and the lower for electric trains. [...] The gradient would be kept below 3 per cent so freight could be handled easily. The depth of water along the route the tube would follow does not exceed 65 ft. and soundings taken at various points indicate that its entire length would be in blue mud. Not only would mud facilitate driving by the shield method, it is pointed out, but it would constitute a cushion to safeguard the tube from possible disalignment due to earthquake shocks.
[...]If the results of such a survey confirm the rough estimates, it is suggested that the construction of the entire 3.5-mi. concrete tube would be between $40,000,000 and $50,000,000.
Any high bridge between Yerba Buena Island and San Francisco would naturally land on Telegragh Hill [sic]. It would not only involve very long and costly spans, even if piers were permitted in the channel, but would land the traffic in a section of the city already quite congested, and from which a proper distribution would be impracticable. Any tunnel on this location would have to be constructed at great depth in an unknown rock formation, as the water depth is too great for tunneling under air pressure, and the length would consequently be so great as to involve an extremely difficult problem in ventilation for vehicular traffic. We there fore consider this plan as impracticable. Any continuous tunnel across the bay, on any location, while practicable for purely electrically operated railroad traffic, would involve most serious ventilation problems for vehicular traffic, and enormous expense if constructed for all classes of traffic.
Use of a precast concrete tube with metal shell for the underwater crossing between shore points is recommended.
被忽略 (帮助)
The impacts of the earthquake were much more than the loss of life and direct damage. The Bay Bridge is the principal transportation link between San Francisco and the East Bay. It was out of service for a [sic] over a month and caused substantial hardship as individuals and businesses accommodated themselves to its loss. [...] The most tragic impact of the earthquake was the life loss caused by the collapse of the Cypress Viaduct, while the most disruption was caused by the closure of the Bay Bridge for a month while it was repaired, leading to costly commute alternatives and probable economic losses. [...] On the other hand, the Board received reports of only very minor damage to the Golden Gate Bridge, which is founded on rock, and the BART Trans-bay Tube, which was specially engineered in the early 1960s to withstand earthquakes. [...] Two facts stand out: the importance of the Oakland–San Francisco link, and the volume of traffic borne by the San Francisco–Oakland Bay Bridge—approximately double that of the Golden Gate Bridge, and almost equal to the combined traffic carried by all four other bridges. For automobile traffic, the Golden Gate and Bay bridges are essentially nonredundant systems, with alternative routes via the other bridges being time consuming to a level that seriously impacts commercial and institutional productivity. [...] The critical role played by the BART Trans-bay Tube in cross-bay transportation is clear, as is the fact that the South Bay bridges (San Mateo and Dumbarton) accommodated most of the redistribution of vehicular traffic. [...] Engineering studies should be instigated of the Golden Gate and San Francisco–Oakland Bay Bridges, of the BART system, and of other important transportation structures throughout the State that are sufficiently detailed to reveal any possible weak links in their seimic resisting systems that could result in collapse or prolonged closure.
被忽略 (帮助)
被忽略 (帮助)
被忽略 (帮助)
被忽略 (帮助)
Donna "Lulu" Wilkinson, an experienced train operator, was barreling through the Transbay Tube at 80 miles per hour in the cab of a 10-car train when the quake hit.
"I didn't even feel it," she recalled. She was about halfway through to San Francisco when she got the order to stop and hold her position.
It was routine procedure (and remains so) to do a short hold after any earthquake, even smaller ones, and passengers were familiar with that routine. "They didn't panic," she said. "I got on the intercom and told them we were holding for a quake and would be moving shortly."
The design and strength of the tube, an engineering marvel sunk into mud on the bottom of the bay, had insulated the train and its passengers from feeling the earth's movements.
Donna "Lulu" Wilkinson, an experienced train operator, was barreling through the Transbay Tube at 80 miles per hour in the cab of a 10-car train when the quake hit.
"I didn't even feel it," she recalled. She was about halfway through to San Francisco when she got the order to stop and hold her position.
It was routine procedure (and remains so) to do a short hold after any earthquake, even smaller ones, and passengers were familiar with that routine. "They didn't panic," she said. "I got on the intercom and told them we were holding for a quake and would be moving shortly."
The design and strength of the tube, an engineering marvel sunk into mud on the bottom of the bay, had insulated the train and its passengers from feeling the earth's movements.
BART's success in maintaining continuous service directly after the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake reconfirmed the system's importance as a transportation "lifeline." While the earthquake caused transient movements in the Tube there was no significant permanent movement and BART service was uninterrupted except for a short inspection period immediately following the quake. With the closure of the Bay Bridge and the Cypress Street Viaduct along the Nimitz Freeway, BART became the primary passenger transportation link between San Francisco and East Bay communities. Its average daily transport of 218,000 passengers before the earthquake increased to an average of 308,000 passengers per day during the first full business week following the earthquake.
The impacts of the earthquake were much more than the loss of life and direct damage. The Bay Bridge is the principal transportation link between San Francisco and the East Bay. It was out of service for a [sic] over a month and caused substantial hardship as individuals and businesses accommodated themselves to its loss. [...] The most tragic impact of the earthquake was the life loss caused by the collapse of the Cypress Viaduct, while the most disruption was caused by the closure of the Bay Bridge for a month while it was repaired, leading to costly commute alternatives and probable economic losses. [...] On the other hand, the Board received reports of only very minor damage to the Golden Gate Bridge, which is founded on rock, and the BART Trans-bay Tube, which was specially engineered in the early 1960s to withstand earthquakes. [...] Two facts stand out: the importance of the Oakland–San Francisco link, and the volume of traffic borne by the San Francisco–Oakland Bay Bridge—approximately double that of the Golden Gate Bridge, and almost equal to the combined traffic carried by all four other bridges. For automobile traffic, the Golden Gate and Bay bridges are essentially nonredundant systems, with alternative routes via the other bridges being time consuming to a level that seriously impacts commercial and institutional productivity. [...] The critical role played by the BART Trans-bay Tube in cross-bay transportation is clear, as is the fact that the South Bay bridges (San Mateo and Dumbarton) accommodated most of the redistribution of vehicular traffic. [...] Engineering studies should be instigated of the Golden Gate and San Francisco–Oakland Bay Bridges, of the BART system, and of other important transportation structures throughout the State that are sufficiently detailed to reveal any possible weak links in their seimic resisting systems that could result in collapse or prolonged closure.