溪蟹屬(學名: Potamon)是一個由淡水蟹或半陸蟹物種組成的屬,屬於短尾下目的溪蟹科。
本屬物種主要分佈地區西起南歐,然後通過中東,最遠可達印度西北部[2]。阿爾及利亞溪蟹( P. algeriense)是唯一在北非發現的物種,也是溪蟹科唯一棲息於非洲大陸的物種。
- 阿爾及利亞溪蟹 Potamon algeriense Bott, 1967
- 比氏溪蟹 Potamon bileki Pretzmann, 1971
- 双叶溪蟹 Potamon bilobatum Brandis, Storch & Türkay, 2000
- 埃氏溪蟹 Potamon elbursi Pretzmann, 1962
- 河流溪蟹 Potamon fluviatile (Herbst, 1785),模式种
- 馬耳他淡水蟹 Potamon fluviatile lanfrancoi
- 格德罗西亚溪蟹 Potamon gedrosianum Alcock, 1909
- 休伊斯特溪蟹 Potamon hueceste Pretzmann, 1983
- 伊比利亚溪蟹 Potamon ibericum (Bieberstein, 1808)
- 伊拉马溪蟹 Potamon ilam Keikhosravi & Schubart, 2014
- 大型溪蟹 Potamon magnum Pretzmann, 1962
- 美索不达米亚溪蟹 Potamon mesopotamicum Pretzmann, 1962
- 山地溪蟹 Potamon monticola Alcock, 1910
- 伯罗奔尼撒溪蟹 Potamon pelops Jesse et al., 2010
- 波斯溪蟹 Potamon persicum Pretzmann, 1962
- 真溪蟹 Potamon potamios (Olivier, 1804)
- 玫瑰溪蟹 Potamon rhodium Parisi, 1913
- 路氏溪蟹 Potamon ruttneri Pretzmann, 1962
- 刚毛溪蟹 Potamon setigerum Rathbun, 1904
- 斯氏溪蟹 Potamon strouhali Pretzmann, 1962
- 里海溪蟹 Potamon transcaspicum Pretzmann, 1962
其他過往來自印支半島的溪蟹屬物種,現時被重新分到Himalayapotamon、Beccumon、東方溪蟹屬(Eosamon)及 Takpotamon等各屬[1]。
- ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 P. K. L. Ng, D. Guinot & P. J. F. Davie. Systema Brachyurorum: Part I. An annotated checklist of extant Brachyuran crabs of the world (PDF). Raffles Bulletin of Zoology. 2008, 17: 1–286 [2018-02-08]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2011-06-06).
- ^ Yeo, Darren C. J.; Ng, Peter K. L. On the genus "Potamon" and allies in Indochina (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura: Potamidae) (PDF). Raffles Bulletin of Zoology. 2007,. Suppl. 16: 273–308 [2018-02-08]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2011-06-06).
- ^ Ruth Jesse, Christoph D. Schubart & Sebastian Klaus. Identification of a cryptic lineage within Potamon fluviatile (Herbst) (Crustacea : Brachyura : Potamidae). Invertebrate Systematics. 2010, 24 (4): 348–356. doi:10.1071/IS10014.
- ^ Keikhosravi, Alireza; Schubart, Christoph D. Description of new freshwater crab species of the genus Potamon(Decapoda, Brachyura, Potamidae) from Iran, based on morphological and genetic characters. Daren C.J. Yeo (编). Advances in freshwater decapods systematics and biology. Brill. : 115–133. ISBN 978-9-0042-0760-8.