眉藻属 (学名 :Calothrix )也称眉蓝细菌属 、热丝菌属 ,为眉藻科 的一属 蓝藻。它们通常存在于淡水中。[ 2]
附生蓝藻共生体 Calothrix rhizosoleniae SC01 9(用箭头表示)附着在寄主角毛藻(Chaetoceros sp. ) 上的明场显微镜图像。比例尺,50 μm。
本属包括以下物种:[ 3]
Calothrix adscendens Bornet and Flahault, 1886[ 4]
相似眉藻 Calothrix aequalis Skuja, 1937,相似热丝菌,相似眉蓝细菌
Calothrix aeruginosa Woronichin 1926
铜色眉藻 Calothrix aeruginea ,铜色热丝菌,铜色眉蓝细菌
Calothrix aestuarii Gayral and Mazancourt 1959
Calothrix allorgei Frémy, 1945
间孢眉藻 Calothrix alternans ,间孢热丝菌,间孢眉蓝细菌
畸形眉藻 Calothrix anomala Mitra
Calothrix antarctica Fritsch, 1912[ 5]
Calothrix atricha Frémy, 1930
Calothrix baileyi Copeland, 1936
Calothrix balearica Bornet and Flahault, 1886,为Phormidiochaete balearica (Bornet and Flahault 1886) Komárek 2001的异名
巴拉眉藻 Calothrix bharadwajar De Toni
Calothrix bossei Frémy, 1930
勃氏眉藻 Calothrix braunii Bornet and Flahault 1886,勃氏热丝菌,勃氏眉蓝细菌
布氏眉藻 Calothrix brébissonii Kützing
短眉藻 Calothrix breviarticulata West W. and G. S., 1897,短毛眉藻,短热丝菌,短眉蓝细菌
极短眉藻 Calothrix brevissima G. S. West, 1907
布氏眉藻念珠 Calothrix brébissonii
布氏眉藻念珠变种 Calothrix brébissonii var. moniliforme Ghose
Calothrix capitata Uher 2007,也拼作:Calothrix capitularis
Calothrix caespitora
Calothrix capitata Uher 2007,也拼作:Calothrix capitularis
卡氏眉藻 Calothrix castellii (Massal.) Bornet and Flahault 1886[ 4]
卡氏眉藻索马变种 Calothrix castellii var. somastipurense Rao, C. S.
链状眉藻 Calothrix catenata Mitra
Calothrix cavernarum Copeland 1936[ 6]
Calothrix charicola Copeland 1936
Calothrix clausa Setchell and Gardner 1930
棍棒眉藻 Calothrix clavata G. S. West,棍棒热丝菌,棍棒眉蓝细菌
似棒眉藻 Calothrix clavatoides Ghose
Calothrix codicola Setchell and Gardner 1930[ 7]
密集眉藻 Calothrix compacta Jao,密集热丝菌,密集眉蓝细菌
丝状眉藻 Calothrix confervicola Agardh ex Bornet and Flahault 1886,丝状热丝菌,丝状眉蓝细菌
Calothrix conica Gardner 1927
Calothrix consociata Bornet and Flahault 1886[ 4]
黏滑眉藻 Calothrix contarenii (Zanardini 1840) Bornet and Flahault 1886[ 4]
Calothrix coriacea Copeland 1936
甲壳眉藻 Calothrix crustacea Thuret ex Bornet and Flahault 1886,甲壳热丝菌,甲壳眉蓝细菌,皮壳状眉藻,苔垢莱
Calothrix cylindrica Frémy 1924
Calothrix debii Bharadwaja 1963
Calothrix desertica Schwabe 1960,为Dulcicalothrix desertica (Schwabe 1960) Saraf et al. 2019的异名
Calothrix divergens Sant'Anna et al. 1992[ 8]
长毛眉藻 Calothrix dolichomeres Skuja, 1949[ 9]
Calothrix donnelli (Wolle 1879) Forti 1907
Calothrix dumus Villanueva and Casamatta 2019
艾伦眉藻 Calothrix elenkinii Koss.
艾伦型眉藻 Calothrix elenkinii forma Rao, C. B.
附生眉藻 Calothrix epiphytica W. et G. S. West,附生热丝菌,附生眉蓝细菌
Calothrix evanescens Gardner 1927
簇生眉藻 Calothrix fasciculata ,簇生热丝菌,簇生眉蓝细菌
簇生眉藻 Calothrix fasciculata Ag.
Calothrix flahaultii Frémy 1927
Calothrix flamulorum Sant'Anna et al. 1992[ 8]
费氏眉藻 Calothrix fritschii Bharadwaja 1935[ 10]
棕色眉藻 Calothrix fusca (Kützing)Bornet and Flahault 1886[ 4]
浅黑型眉藻 Calothrix fusca forma Rao, C. B.
浅黑眉藻粗状变种 Calothrix fusca var. crassa Rao, C. S.
浅黑眉藻小型变种 Calothrix fusca var. minor Wille
褐紫眉藻 Calothrix fusca-violacea Crouan
眉藻 Calothrix fuscoviolacea Crouan et H. M. Crouan ex Bornet et Flahault,1859
加氏眉藻 Calothrix gardneri J. De Toni
Calothrix geitleri Copeland 1936
盖托眉藻 Calothrix geitonos Skuja
Calothrix genuflexa Philson 1939
勾氏眉藻 Calothrix ghosei Bharadw.
Calothrix gigas Copeland 1936
胶质眉藻 Calothrix gloeocola Skuja, 1949[ 9]
石膏眉藻 Calothrix gypsophila (Kützing) Thur.
汉氏眉藻 Calothrix hansgirgi Schmidle
Calothrix hosfordii Wolle 1887
湖南眉藻 Calothrix hunanica Jao
印度眉藻 Calothrix indica Montagne
绞曲眉藻 Calothrix intorta Jao
Calothrix intricata Fritsch 1912[ 5]
爪哇眉藻 Calothrix javanica De Wilde.
具连眉藻 Calothrix juliana (Menegh.) Born. et Flah.
线形眉藻 Calothrix linearis Gardner
Calothrix linearis forma Rao, C. B.
马奇眉藻 Calothrix marchica Lemm.
马奇眉藻粗壮变种 Calothrix marchica var. crassa Rao, C. B.
马奇眉藻居间变种 Calothrix marchica var. intermedia Rao, C. B.
膜状眉藻 Calothrix membranacea Schmidle
膜状眉藻紫色变种 Calothrix membranacea var. purpurea' Mitra
微小眉藻 Calothrix micromeres Skuja, 1937[ 11]
微型眉藻 Calothrix minima Frémy, 1924
Calothrix minuscula Weber-van Bosse 1913
Calothrix mutnalensis Bongale 1986[ 12]
Calothrix nidulans Setchell and Gardner 1924
Calothrix nodulosa Setchell and Gardner 1924
峨嵋眉藻 Calothrix omeiensis Chu
寄生眉藻 Calothrix parasitica (Chauv.)Thuret,附生眉藻
墙壁眉藻 Calothrix parietina Thuret
Calothrix parva Ercegović 1925
软毛眉藻 Calothrix pilosa Harvey, 1858
褥形眉藻 Calothrix pulvinata Ag.,褥形热丝菌,褥形眉蓝细菌
具枝眉藻 Calothrix ramosa Bharadw
直立眉藻 Calothrix rectangularis Setchell and Gardner, 1918,直立热丝菌,直立眉蓝细菌
Calothrix rhizosoleniae Lemmermann, 1899[ 13]
粗眉藻 Calothrix robusta Setchell and Gardner 1918
Calothrix rubra Bornet and Flahault 1886
夏威夷眉藻 Calothrix sandwicensis (Nordst.) Schmidle,夏威夷热丝菌,夏威夷眉蓝细菌
岩生眉藻 Calothrix scopulorum (Weber et Mohr) C. Agardh, 1824,岩生热丝菌,岩生眉蓝细菌
双歧眉藻 Calothrix scytonemicola Tilden, 1910
双歧藻型眉藻 Calothrix scytonemicola forma Bharadw.
Calothrix simplex Gardner 1927
Calothrix simulans Gardner, 1927
Calothrix solitariaa
沼泽眉藻 Calothrix stagnalis Gom.,沼泽热丝菌,静水眉藻。静水眉蓝细菌,静水热丝菌,沼泽眉蓝细菌
星状眉藻 Calothrix stellaris Bornet and Flahault 1886[ 4]
亚南极眉藻 Calothrix subantarctica ,亚南极热丝菌,亚南极眉蓝细菌
Calothrix submarchica Archibald 1967
简单眉藻 Calothrix subsimplex ,简单热丝菌,简单眉蓝细菌
简单眉藻广西变种 Calothrix subsimplex var. kwangsiensis ,简单热丝菌广西变种,简单眉蓝细菌广西变种
细弱眉藻 Calothrix tenuissima A. Br.
温泉眉藻 Calothrix thermalis (Schmidle) Hansg.
弗氏藻型眉藻 Calothrix viguieri forma Rao, C. B.
Calothrix turfosa Geitler 1933
弗氏眉藻 Calothrix viguieri Frémy, 1930
Calothrix violacea (Wolle 1877) Forti 1907
Calothrix violacea Jaag 1938
胎生眉藻 Calothrix vivipara Harv.,岩生眉藻
魏氏眉藻 Calothrix weberi Schmidle
威比眉藻 Calothrix wembaerensis Hieron. and Schmidle
^ Calothrix . AlgaeBase. [14 April 2018] . (原始内容存档 于2019-02-17).
^ Rippka R, Castenholz RW, Herdman M. Form-Calothrix. Whitman WB (编). Bergey's Manual of Systematics of Archaea and Bacteria. 2015. doi:10.1002/9781118960608.gbm00462 .
^ Calothrix C.Agardh ex Bornet & Flahault, 1886 . GBIF. [2022-06-16 ] . (原始内容 存档于2022-06-16).
^ 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 Bornet, Flahault, C.h.m. Revision des Nostocacées hétérocystées contenues dans les principaux herbiers de France. Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. ser. 7 1886; 3:374.
^ 5.0 5.1 Fritsch FE. Freshwater algae. In: Anonymous NN (eds), National Antarctic Expedition 1901-1904 Natural History. Vol. VI. Zoology and Botany [Part 3], Printed by order of the Trustees of the Bitish Museum, London, 1912, p. 1-66.
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^ Setchell WA, Gardner NL. [Title pending]. Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 1930; 4:180.
^ 8.0 8.1 Sant'Anna CL, Silva SMF, Branco LHZ. Cyanophyceae da Gruta-que-chora, Município de Ubatuba, Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Hoehnea 1992; 18:84.
^ 9.0 9.1 Skuja H. Zur Süsswasseralgenflora Burmas. Nova Acta Regiae Societatis Scientiarum Upsaliensis, Series 4 1949; 14:1-188.
^ Bharadwaja Y. The Myxophyceae of the United Provinces, India - I. Proc. Ind. Acad. Sci. 1935; 2:95-107.
^ Skuja H. Algae. In: Handel-Mazzetti H (eds), Symbolae Sinicae. Botanische Ergebnisse der Expedition der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien nach Südwest-China 1914/1918, J. Springer, Wien, 1937, p. 1-106.
^ Bongale UD. Certain new taxa belonging to Aulosira Kirchner, Scytonema Ag. and Calothrix Ag. - the blue-green algae from crop fields of Karnataka State, India. Proc. Indian Acad. Sc. (Plant Sc.) 1986; 96:401-406.
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