瞌睡乔(英語:Sleepy Joe)是美国第46任总统乔·拜登的绰号,由反对他担任总统的群体创造和使用,后成为网络迷因。该绰号最初由拜登的前任和准继任者唐纳德·特朗普于2019年创造。
- Johnson, Tyler. Sleepy Joe? Recalling and Considering Donald Trump's Strategic Use of Nicknames. Journal of Political Marketing. June 15, 2021, 20 (3–4): 302–316. S2CID 236232668. doi:10.1080/15377857.2021.1939572 (英语).
- Maly, Ico. The Army for Trump and Trump's war against Sleepy Joe. Diggit Magazine (Tilburg University). 2020 (英语).
- Bond, Gary D.; Speller, Lassiter F.; Cockrell, Lauren L.; Webb, Katelynn G.; Sievers, Jaci L. 'Sleepy Joe' and 'Donald, King of Whoppers': Reality Monitoring and Verbal Deception in the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election Debates. Psychological Reports (SAGE Publishing). May 28, 2022, 126 (6): 3090–3103. PMID 35634896. S2CID 249170739. doi:10.1177/00332941221105212 (英语).
- Alaghbary, Gibreel Sadeq. Looting leads to shooting: A pragma-dialectical analysis of President Trump's argumentative discourse on Floyd's death. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies (JLLS). December 30, 2020, 16 (4): 1854–1868. ISSN 1305-578X. S2CID 234374358. doi:10.17263/jlls.851011
- Anggraini, Rini; Sawirman, Sawirman; Marnita, Rina. The Structures of Trump's Political Discourse. Indonesian Journal of Language Teaching and Linguistics. January 2021, 6 (1): 55–72. doi:10.30957/ijoltl.v6i1.650 (不活跃 1 November 2024) (英语).