Chamaesiphon b — 司令部孢子(baeocytes) 比例尺~10 µm
细菌域 Bacteria
藍菌門 Cyanobacteria
蓝藻纲 Cyanophyceae
戈芒藻目 Gomontiellales
管孢藻科 Chamaesiphonaceae
管孢藻属 Chamaesiphon Braun and Grunow, 1864
密聚管孢藻 Chamaesiphon confervicola
Braun and Grunow, 1864
此属的模式种为密聚管孢藻(Chamaesiphon confervicola)。
- Chamaesiphon aggregatus (Janczewski 1884) Geitler 1932
- Chamaesiphon britannicus (Fritsch 1927) Komárek and Anagnostidis 1995
- 棍棒管孢藻 Chamaesiphon clavatus Jao, Setchell and Gardner 1930,棍棒管孢藻,为Chamaecalyx clavatus (Setchell and Gardner 1930) Komárek and Anagnostidis 1986的异名
- 密聚管孢藻 Chamaesiphon confervicola A.Braun and Grunow 1864,丝状管孢藻,居丝藻管孢蓝细菌
- 弧形管孢藻 Chamaesiphon curvatus Nordst.
- 弧形管孢藻透氏变种 Chamaesiphon curvatus var. turneri Forti
- Chamaesiphon cylindricus Petersen 1923
- Chamaesiphon cylindrosporus Skuja, 1948[2]
- Chamaesiphon duranmileri González Guerrero 1946
- Chamaesiphon fallax Geitler 1933
- Chamaesiphon ferrugineus Fritsch 1929[3]
- 丝状管孢藻 Chamaesiphon filamentosus Ghose, 1924,也拼作:Chamaesiphon filamentosa
- Chamaesiphon fuscoviolaceus Starmach 1969
- 暗棕管孢藻 Chamaesiphon fuscus (Rostaf.) Hansg., 褐色管孢藻
- Chamaesiphon geitleri Luther 1954
- Chamaesiphon halophilus Tavera and Komárek 1996
- Chamaesiphon hemisphaericus Lemmermann, 1899[4]
- 层生管孢藻 Chamaesiphon incrustans Grun.
- Chamaesiphon investiens Skuja, 1964
- Chamaesiphon jaoi Hällfors 1982[5]
- Chamaesiphon komarekii Rott 2008
- Chamaesiphon longus Hällfors and Munsterhjelm, 1982[6]
- Chamaesiphon macer Geitler 1925
- Chamaesiphon minimus Schmidle 1901
- 微小管孢藻 Chamaesiphon minutus (Rostafinski 1883) Lemmermann 1907
- Chamaesiphon mollis Geitler 1933
- Chamaesiphon oncobyrsoides Geitler 1925
- Chamaesiphon palssahtiae Komárek and Watanabe 1998
- 波兰管孢藻 Chamaesiphon polonicus (Rostaf.) Hansg.
- Chamaesiphon polymorphus Geitler, 1925
- Chamaesiphon portoricensis Gardner 1927
- Chamaesiphon pseudopolymorphus Fritsch 1929, 为Stichosiphon pseudopolymorphus (Fritsch 1929) Komárek 1989的异名
- Chamaesiphon pylaiellae Jao 1948
- Chamaesiphon roseus (Reinsch 1874) Hansgirg 1892
- 路氏管孢藻 Chamaesiphon rostafinskii (Rostaf.) Hansg.
- 杉遂管孢藻 Chamaesiphon sansibaricus Hieronymus 1895, 为Stichosiphon sansibaricus (Hieronymus 1895) Drouet and Daily 1952的异名
- Chamaesiphon sphagnicola Maillefer 1906
- 嗜铁管孢藻 Chamaesiphon sideriphilus Starmach
- 嗜铁管孢藻无毛变种 Chamaesiphon sideriphilus var. galbra Rao, C. B.
- Chamaesiphon stratosus Sant'Anna et al. 2011
- Chamaesiphon subaequalis Geitler 1970,为Geitleribactron subaequale (Geitler, 1970) Komárek 1975的异名
- 亚球形管孢藻 Chamaesiphon subglobosus (Rostaf.) Lemm.
- 西藏管孢藻 Chamaesiphon tibeticus Jao
- 韦氏管孢藻 Chamaesiphon willei Gardner, 1927
- ^ 1.0 1.1 Chamaesiphon A.Braun, 1864. www.gbif.org. [15 April 2021]. (原始内容存档于2022-02-28) (英语).
- ^ Skuja H. Taxonomie des Phytoplanktons einiger Seen in Uppland, Schweden. Symbolae Botanicae Upsalienses 1948; 9:1-399.
- ^ Fritsch FE. The encrusting algal communities of certain fast-flowing streams. New Phytologist 1929; 28:165-195.
- ^ Lemmermann E. Ergebnisse einer Reise nach dem Pacific. (H. Schauinsland 1896/97.) Planktonalgen. Abhandlungen herausgegeben vom Naturwissenschaftlichen Verein zu Bremen 1899; 16:313-398.
- ^ Hällfors G, Munsterhjelm R. Some epiphytic Chamaesiphonales from fresh and brackish water in southern Finland. Ann. Bot. Fennici 1982; 19:147-176.
- ^ Hällfors G, Munsterhjelm R. Some epiphytic Chamaesiphonales from fresh and brackish water in southern Finland. Ann. Bot. Fenn. 1982; 19:162.
- LPSN - List of Prokaryotic names with Standing in Nomenclature