
Robert Chesebrough
出生Robert Augustus Chesebrough
美國新澤西州斯普林萊克英语Spring Lake, New Jersey
国籍 美国
知名于石油脂英语Petroleum jelly凡士林

羅伯特·奧古斯塔斯·切斯伯勒爵士(英語:Sir Robert Augustus Chesebrough,1837年1月9日—1933年9月8日),美國化學家,石油脂英语Petroleum jelly的發現者,並在1878年5月14日以「凡士林」的名義註冊商標[1],同時也是切斯伯勒製造公司英语Chesebrough Manufacturing Company的創辦人。





切斯伯勒在1837年1月9日出生於英國倫敦,父母皆是美國人,並在紐約長大[2]。他在1864年4月28日與瑪格麗特·麥克雷迪(Margaret McCredy)成婚,兩人育有3子1女,分別是小羅伯特(Robert Jr.)、威廉(William)、弗雷德里克(Frederick)及瑪莉昂(Marion)[2][3]



1859年,時年22歲的切斯伯勒前往剛剛發現油田賓夕法尼亞州泰特斯維爾,希望研究出石油可能會產生哪些新的材料。他在當地找到一根未精煉的黑色蠟棒後帶回其實驗室,並發現若通過從蠟棒中蒸餾出更輕、更稀的油品便可以製造出一種淺色凝膠[4]。切斯伯勒之後從泰特斯維爾的工人口中得知,這種淺色凝膠經常黏附在油泵上,要刮除它並不是一件容易的事,但只要把其塗在被割傷或燒傷的傷口上,就能起到減輕疼痛並使傷口癒合得更快的功用[5] 。切斯伯勒有見及此,便將德語的「水」(Wasser)和古希臘語的「油」(έλαιον)合二為一,將這淺色凝膠命名為「凡士林」(Vaseline)[6]

切斯伯勒在1870年於紐約布魯克林開設其第一間凡士林工廠,並在兩年後為該產品的製造工藝申請專利[7]。到了1874年,其經營的商店每天銷售超過1,400罐凡士林[8]。承著生意蒸蒸日上之際,他在隔年創辦切斯伯勒製造公司英语Chesebrough Manufacturing Company,以專門銷售凡士林,該公司隨後於1955年與旁氏合併,再在1987年被聯合利華收購[9]





1933年9月8日,切斯伯勒在新澤西州斯普林萊克英语Spring Lake, New Jersey的家中安詳離世[15],並最後下葬在紐約布朗克斯伍德勞恩公墓英语Woodlawn Cemetery (Bronx)[3]


  1. ^ Название «вазелин» запатентовано как торговая марка. Calend.ru. [2019-07-20]. (原始内容存档于2022-08-29). 
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 Hall, Henry (编). America's Successful Men of Affairs: An Encyclopedia of Contemporaneous Biography I. The New York Tribune Company. 1895: 137–140 [2021-12-02] –通过Internet Archive. 
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 Find a Grave上的羅伯特·切斯伯勒
  4. ^ The History of Vaseline Petroleum Jelly began in the Pennsylvania Oil Fields!, Drake Well Museum pamphlet, copyright 1996 by Holigan Group Ltd, Dallas, Texas
  5. ^ Vasoline corporate history page. [15 July 2015]. (原始内容存档于30 May 2016). ...Chesebrough noticed that oil workers would smear their skin with the residue from their drills, as it had the property to heal their cuts and burns. He got curious and took some Rod Wax home where he started experimenting with it... 
  6. ^  Chisholm, Hugh (编). Vaseline. Encyclopædia Britannica 27 (第11版). London: Cambridge University Press: 946. 1911. 
  7. ^ 美國專利第127,568号
  8. ^ Robert Chesebrough ate a Spoonful of Vaseline a Day. Ripley's Believe It or Not!. April 5, 2016 [2022-08-03]. (原始内容存档于2022-10-18). 
  9. ^ B. Kumar. Mega Mergers and Acquisitions: Case Studies from Key Industries. Springer. 14 November 2012: 222–. ISBN 978-1-137-00590-8. 
  10. ^ Lindsay, David. House of invention: the secret life of everyday products需要免费注册. New York, N.Y.: Lyons Press. 2000: 20–21. ISBN 9781558217409. 
  11. ^ Schwager, E. From Petroleum Jelly to Riches. Drug News & Perspectives. 1998, 11 (2): 127. 
  12. ^ This is also mentioned in the American police show Silk Stalkings, but in the episode in question, Mr. Chesebrough is not mentioned by name, and is said to have died at only 93. Silk Stalkings, season one, episode eight, Curtain Call, written by Stephen J. Cannell and Garner Simmons; directed by Brian Trenchard Smith. Produced by William Burns, et al., for Stu Segall Productions and Stephen J. Cannell Productions, and distributed by 20th Television and CBS. First broadcast on Thursday 2nd of January, 1992
  13. ^ Moskowitz, Milton; Michael Katz; Robert Levering. Everybody's Business: An Almanac : an Irreverent Guide to Corporate America. Harper & Row. 1980: 199. ISBN 0-06-250620-X. 
  14. ^ Jayakumar, Kishore L.; Micheletti, Robert G. Robert Chesebrough and the Dermatologic Wonder of Petroleum Jelly. JAMA Dermatology. 2017, 153 (11): 1157 [2022-08-03]. PMID 29117303. doi:10.1001/jamadermatol.2017.3544. (原始内容存档于2022-08-03). 
  15. ^ Cheseborough. [7 June 2011]. (原始内容存档于2018-02-28). 

