尽管避孕行为在中产阶级和上流社会中相对普遍,但很少有人在公共场合谈及[5]。美国出版的第一本大胆讨论避孕的书籍是《道德生理学,或人口问题简论》(Moral Physiology; or, A Brief and Plain Treatise on the Population Question),由罗伯特·戴尔·欧文(英语:Robert Dale Owen)于1831年出版 [6]。该书称计划生育是值得称赞的行为,同时,无关繁衍的性满足也并非是不道德的。 [7]。欧文建议使用体外射精避孕法,但他也讨论了避孕海绵和避孕套这些选项 [8]。紧随其后的是1832年查尔斯·诺尔顿(英语:Charles Knowlton)撰写的《哲学之果:年轻夫妻的私密伴侣》(Fruits of Philosophy: The Private Companion of Young Married People),其中推荐了灌洗阴道法。[9]诺尔顿在马萨诸塞州被以淫秽起诉,后在监狱服刑三个月[10]。
同是1970年,为使低收入及无保险人群接触到家庭计划与预防性卫生服务,公共卫生服务法标题十作为贫困战的一部分被实行。[90]Without publicly funded family planning services, according to the 据葛特马赫研究所称,如果没有公开资助的的家庭计划服务,美国非预期怀孕及堕胎的数据会高出近二分之三;贫困妇女间的非预期怀孕数据会将近翻倍。[91]据美国卫生及公共服务部称,公开资助的家庭计划中每一美元的投入,都为联邦医疗补助节约了近4美元。[92]
^Engelman, pp. 5–6. Rarely in public: Engelman cites Brodie, Janet, Contraception and Abortion in 19th Century America, Cornell University Press, 1987.
^Engelman, p. 6. Cullen DuPont, Kathryn (2000), "Contraception" in Encyclopedia of women's history in America, Infobase Publishing, p. 53 (first book in America). Year of publication is variously stated as 1830 or 1831.
^Baker, pp. 50–51 (Goldman circle). Engelman, pp. 29–30 (Goldman circle) Cox, p. 4 (pregnancies). Buchanan, p. 121 (tuberculosis and cancer). Chelsler, p. 41 (age 50).
^Patient was Sadie Sachs. The selected papers of Margaret Sanger, Volume 1, p. 185. The source of Sanger's quote is identified as: "Birth Control", Library of Congress collection of Sanger's papers: microfilm: reel 129: frame 12, April 1916.
^Engelman, p. 34. Cronin, Mary (1996), "The Woman Rebel", in Women's periodicals in the United States: social and political issues, Endres, Kathleen L. (Ed.), Greenwood Press, p. 448. Cronin cites Sanger, An Autobiography, pp. 95–96. Cronin cites Kennedy, p. 19, who points out that some materials on birth control were available in 1913.
^Kennedy, pp. 1, 22. The slogan "No Gods, No Masters" originated in a flyer distributed by the Industrial Workers of the World in the 1912 Lawrence Textile Strike.
^Engelman, Peter C. (2004), "Margaret Sanger", article in Encyclopedia of Leadership, Volume 4, George R. Goethals, et al. (Eds.), SAGE, p. 1382. Engelman cites facsimile edited by Alex Baskin, Woman Rebel, New York: Archives of Social History, 1976. Facsimile of original. Engelman, pp. 43–44: At the same time, Sanger published Family Limitation, a 16-page pamphlet summarizing contraceptive techniques.
^Sanger, The selected papers of Margaret Sanger, Volume 1, p. 70.。 Engelman, p. 23. Kennedy, p. 101.
^Kersten, Andrew (2011), Clarence Darrow: American Iconoclast, Macmillan, p. 170.
Sanger, Autobiography, pp. 183–189.
Engelman, p. 61–62: Sanger also gained sympathy from the public when her five-year-old daughter died immediately before the trial.
^Caption at the bottom of this 1919 issue reads: "Must She Always Plead in Vain? 'You are a nurse – can you tell me? For the children's sake – help me!'"
^Chesler, pp. 127, 131, 148, 152, 166, 392.
Kennedy pp. 84, 181.
Engelman, pp. 92–93. In her memoirs, Sanger often understated or entirely omitted the contributions of fellow activists.
^Engelman, pp. 92–93. In her memoirs, Sanger often understated or entirely omitted the contributions of fellow activists.
^Engelman, pp. 94–96 ("phenomenal media hype"). Sanger's movie was banned as "indecent" in New York. Other movies included Miracle of Life, The Black Stork, The Unborn, Where are my Children and The Hand That Rocks the Cradle (1917 film).
^Engelman, pp. 107–109.
Tone, pp. 91–115 contains a history of contraception in the U.S. military in World War I. Navy secretary Josephus Daniels led the efforts to enforce abstinence.
^Engelman, pp. 115–116. Sanger, jealous of her leadership role, excluded Dennett from meetings and other activities that would benefit Dennett.
^"Birth control: What it is, How it works, What it will do", The Proceedings of the First American Birth Control Conference, November 1921, pp. 207–208. Sanger, Margaret (Ed.), The Birth Control Review, V (12):18, (December 1921).
^Freedman, Estelle B. (2007), The Essential Feminist Reader, Random House Digital, Inc., p. 211. Engelman, pp. 129–130. The ABCL was established in December 1921, and held its first meeting in January 1922.
^Engelman, p. 138. The CRB, from its inception, collected detailed data on the effectiveness of various contraceptive methods, and published the results in many reports and journals.
Allegations of racism can be found in Franks, Angela (2005), Margaret Sanger's Eugenic Legacy: The Control of Female Fertility, McFarland; and in Davis, Angela (1981), Women, Race and Class.
Gold RB, Sonfield A, Richards C, et al., Next steps for America's family planning program: Leveraging the potential of Medicaid and Title X in an evolving health care system, Guttmacher Institute, 2009; and
Frost J, Finer L, Tapales A., "The impact of publicly funded family planning clinic services on unintended pregnancies and government cost savings", J Health Care Poor Underserved, 2008 Aug, 19(3):778-96.
The phrase "morning-after pill" is a misnomer, because it can be taken several days after unprotected sexual intercourse to have an effect to reduce the rates of an unplanned pregnancy.
^Speroff, Leon (2010), A Clinical Guide for Contraception, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, ISBN978-1-60831-610-6, pp. 153–155.
^McBride, Dorothy (2008), Abortion in the United States: a Reference Handbook, ABC-CLIO, ISBN978-1-59884-098-8, pp. 67–68.
^Contraceptive Coverage in the New Health Care Law: Frequently Asked Questions(PDF). 2011-11-01 [2014-01-25]. (原始内容(PDF)存档于2012-08-13). "The official start date is August 1, 2012, but since most plan changes take effect at the beginning of a new plan year, the requirements will be in effect for most plans on January 1, 2013. School health plans, which often begin their health plan years around the beginning of the school year, will see the benefits of the August 1st start date."
^Contraceptive Coverage in the New Health Care Law: Frequently Asked Questions(PDF). 2011-11-01 [2014-01-25]. (原始内容(PDF)存档于2012-08-13). "These changes include cutting benefits significantly; increasing co-insurance, co-payments, or deductibles or out-of-pocket limits by certain amounts; decreasing premium contributions by more than 5%; or adding or lowering annual limits."
^"Closely held" corporations are defined by the Internal Revenue Service as those which a) have more than 50% of the value of their outstanding stock owned (directly or indirectly) by 5 or fewer individuals at any time during the last half of the tax year; and b) are not personal service corporations. By this definition, approximately 90% of U.S. corporations are "closely held", and approximately 52% of the U.S. workforce is employed by "closely held" corporations. See Blake, Aaron. A LOT of people could be affected by the Supreme Court's birth control decision – theoretically. The Washington Post. June 30, 2014 [2021-03-05]. (原始内容存档于2015-04-04).