艾雅·凱瑪(巴利語:Ayya Khema,1923年8月25日—1997年11月2日)是一位德國猶太裔佛教比丘尼和佛法老師,她在世界各地創立了教育中心,積極地為女性提供修習佛法的機會。1987年,她推動了第一屆「善女子佛教女眾國際協會」。她出版了二十多本英文和德文版佛法書籍,部分翻譯成中文。74歲時出版回憶錄《把我的生命獻給你》(Give You My Life)一書。
Being Nobody, Going Nowhere: Meditations on the Buddhist Path, Wisdom Publications, 1987, ISBN978-0861711987
When the Iron Eagle Flies: Buddhism for the West, Wisdom Publications, 1991 ISBN978-0861711697。後改名為Know Where You're Going: A Complete Buddhist Guide to Meditation, Faith, and Everyday Transcendence, Wisdom Publications, 2014, ISBN978-1614291930
Who is myself? A guide to Buddhist meditation, Wisdom Publications, 1997-10-09, ISBN978-0861711277
I Give You My Life (autobiography), Shambhala Publications, 1997, ISBN978-1570625718
Come and See for Yourself: The Buddhist Path to Happiness, Windhorse Publications, 1998, ISBN978-1899579457
Be an Island: The Buddhist practice of Inner Peace, Wisdom Publications, 1999, ISBN978-0861711475
Visible Here and Now: The Buddhist Teachings on the Rewards of Spiritual Practice (《巴利文大藏經》中《長部》《沙門果經》註釋), Shambhala Publications, 2001, ISBN978-1570624926