菲尔·卡夫曼奖(Phil Kaufman Award)是电子设计自动化联盟为那些在电子设计自动化方面有着杰出贡献,并且对电子设计有着重要影响的人物设立的,被认为是电子设计自动化界的诺贝尔奖。这个奖是为了纪念菲爾·卡夫曼,已故的Quickturn System公司前主席而设立的。
- 1994: Hermann K. Gummel
- 1995: Donald Pederson
- 1996: 卡弗·米德
- 1997: James E. Solomon
- 1998: 葛守仁
- 1999: Hugo De Man
- 2000: 黃炎松
- 2001: Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli
- 2002: Ronald A. Rohrer
- 2003: A. Richard Newton
- 2004: Joseph Costello
- 2005: Phil Moorby,Verilog的发明者
- 2006: Robert Dutton,SUPREM(Stanford University Process Engineering Models)的发明者和PISCES(Poisson and Continuity Equation Solver)仿真工具和软件在计算机辅助设计方面的应用。
- 2007: Robert K. Brayton,由于他在逻辑综合、形式验证方面的工作。
- 2008: Aart de Geus, Synopsys CEO,由于他在EDA工业界的贡献,尤其是设计编译工具方面。
- 2009: Randal Bryant,卡耐基梅隆大學教授,由于他在形式验证方面的奠基性贡献。
- 2010: Pat Pistilli
- 2011: 劉炯朗
- 2013: 胡正明
- 2014: Lucio Lanza, for helping numerous startups to develop innovative technologies.
- 2015: Walden C. Rhines, CEO of Mentor Graphics, for his efforts growing the EDA and IC design industries.
- 2016: Andrzej Strojwas, CMU professor and chief technologist of PDF Solutions, for his research in the area of design for manufacturing in the semiconductor industry.
- 2017: Rob Rutenbar, for his contributions to algorithms and tools for analog and mixed-signal designs. [1]
- 2018: Thomas Williams, for his outstanding contributions to test automation and his overall impact on the electronics industry.[2]
- 2019: Mary Jane Irwin, Pennsylvania State University, for her extensive contributions to EDA and the community.[3]
- 2020: 因COVID-19疫情停滞[4]
- ^ 2017 Phil Kaufman Award Dinner – ESD Alliance. esd-alliance.org. [2018-10-07]. (原始内容存档于2021-11-03) (美国英语).
- ^ 2018 Phil Kaufman Award – ESD Alliance. esd-alliance.org. [2018-10-07]. (原始内容存档于2021-10-29) (美国英语).
- ^ 2019 Phil Kaufman Award – ESD Alliance. esd-alliance.org. [2020-09-11]. (原始内容存档于2021-11-03) (美国英语).
- ^ Notice regarding the 2020 Phil Kaufman Award (PDF). [2021-09-19]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2021-04-13).