虚黑洞(英語:virtual black hole)[1],量子引力中的概念,指的是由于时空无时无刻不在进行的量子真空涨落形成的微型黑洞。[2]虚黑洞是量子泡沫的一种体现,其在万有引力场中的作用类似于量子电动力学中的电子-正电子对。现有理论认为,这类黑洞的大小、寿命、质量均在普朗克尺度。[3]
- ^ 't Hooft, Gerard. Virtual Black Holes and Space–Time Structure. Foundations of Physics. October 2018, 48 (10): 1134–1149. S2CID 189842716. doi:10.1007/s10701-017-0133-0
. (原始内容存档于2022-01-22).
- ^ S. W. Hawking (1995) "Virtual Black Holes (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)"
- ^ Fred C. Adams, Gordon L. Kane, Manasse Mbonye, and Malcolm J. Perry (2001), "Proton Decay, Black Holes, and Large Extra Dimensions",
Intern. J. Mod. Phys. A, 16, 2399.