虛擬導具最早是由美国空军阿姆斯壯實驗室(英语:Armstrong Labs)的路易斯·羅森堡(英语:Louis B. Rosenberg)在1992年開發,是第一個架設的沉浸式(immersive)擴增實境系統[1][2][3][4][5][6]。當時的三度繪圖太慢,無法繪製出複雜及空间配準(spatially-registered)的擴增實境,Virtual Fixtures用了二個實體的機器手臂,由用戶穿戴的完整上身外骨骼來控制。為了讓使用戶者有沉浸式的感受,在光學配置上有配置一對對準的雙筒放大鏡,讓使用者看機器手臂的視角類似他看自己手臂的視角[1][7][8][9]。結果是空间配準的沉浸式體驗,使用者移動其手臂時,會看到機器手臂在他手臂應該在的位置。系統也會有電腦生成的虛擬疊加物,像是模擬的實體屏障、區域以及指引,目的是為了協助使用者處理在實際空間中的任務[10][11]。
^ B. Rosenberg. The Use of Virtual Fixtures As Perceptual Overlays to Enhance Operator Performance in Remote Environments. Technical Report AL-TR-0089, USAF Armstrong Laboratory, Wright-Patterson AFB OH, 1992.
^Rosenberg, Louis. Rosenberg, L. (1993). "The use of virtual fixtures to enhance telemanipulation with time delay," in Proceedings of the ASME Winter Anual Meeting, Robotics & Telemanipulation, Vol. 49, (New Orleans, LA).
^Rosenberg, Louis. "The use of virtual fixtures to enhance operator performance in time delayed teleoperation,"J. Dyn. Syst. Control, vol. 49,pp. 29–36, 1993.
^Rosenberg, Louis B. Virtual fixtures as tools to enhance operator performance in telepresence environments. Telemanipulator Technology and Space Telerobotics. 1993, 2057: 10–21. doi:10.1117/12.164901.
L. B. Rosenberg. Virtual fixtures: Perceptual tools for telerobotic manipulation, In Proc. of the IEEE Annual Int. Symposium on Virtual Reality, pp. 76–82, 1993.
P. Marayong, M. Li, A. M. Okamura, and G. D. Hager. Spatial Motion Constraints: Theory and Demonstrations for Robot Guidance Using Virtual Fixtures, In Proc. of the IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pp. 1270–1275, 2003.