- 連珠波紋蛾 Horithyatira decorata (Moore, 1881)
- 指名亞種 Horithyatira decorata decorata (Moore, 1881)
- 日本亞種 Horithyatira decorata kawamurae (Matsumura, 1921)
- 臺灣亞種 Horithyatira decorata takamukui (Matsumura, 1921)
- Horithyatira diehli (Werny, 1966)
- Horithyatira javanica (Werny, 1966)
- Horithyatira ornata (Roepke, 1944)
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- 赵仲苓. 中国动物志:昆虫纲 第三十六卷:鳞翅目 波纹蛾科. 科学出版社. 2004. ISBN 7-03-013415-X.