限制領餐(英語:Close(d) Communion)是一種在認信路德宗、[1][2][3]天主教[4][5]和東正教[6]教會普遍實行的聖餐制度。在這制度下,教會只會在已表達一致信仰,為罪而悔改,相信耶穌基督的信徒所組成的團體裏舉行聖餐禮。[7]
我們所祝福的杯,豈不是同領基督的血嗎?我們所掰開的餅,豈不是同領基督的身體嗎?我們雖多,仍是一個餅、一個身體,因為我們都是分受這一個餅。(哥林多前書 10:16-17)
無論何人,不按理吃主的餅、喝主的杯,就是干犯主的身、主的血了。人應當自己省察,然後吃這餅、喝這杯。因為人吃喝,若不分辨是主的身體,就是吃喝自己的罪了。(哥林多前書 11:27-29)[9]
在「限制領餐」制度下,牧師只會向達到聖經要求的人派發聖餐。[註 1]另外,在認信過程中表明沒有一致信仰的人,教會牧者亦不能向他們派發聖餐[2]。例如,部份實行「限制領餐」的路德宗教會有領餐前報名的習慣[3]。
On the other hand, the Orthodox Churches, united above all by their Eucharistic faith and practice, accept to communion only baptized Orthodox Christians, and then, theoretically, only when they have prepared themselves by prayer, by appropriate fasting, and—in most traditions—by confession of sins. In addition, Orthodox bishops and other teachers make clear to their faithful that they can only properly receive communion from a canonically ordained priest or bishop within the context of the traditional Orthodox Divine Liturgy (which includes communion taken to the sick).