动物界 Animalia
扁形动物门 Platyhelminthes
吸蟲綱 Trematoda
複殖亞綱 Digenea
斜睪目 Plagiorchiida
隐殖科 Cryptogonimidae Ward, 1917
- Acanthocollaritrematidae
- Acanthostomidae
- Isocoelidae
- Siphoderidae
- Acanthocollaritrema Travassos, Freitas & Bührnheim, 1965
- Acanthosiphodera Madhavi, 1976
- Acanthostomoides Szidat, 1956
- Acanthostomum Looss, 1899
- Acanthostomum Looss, 1899
- Adlardia Miller, Bray, Goiran, Justine & Cribb, 2009
- Allacanthochasmus Van Cleave, 1922
- Allometadena Madhavi, 1976
- Andrincola Zhang & Yang, 1993
- Andritrema Zhang & Yang, 1993
- Anisocladium Looss, 1902
- Anisocoelium Lühe, 1900
- Annakohniella Fernandes, Cohen, Mendonça & Justo, 2013
- Anoiktostoma Stossich, 1899
- Aphalloides Dollfus, Chabaud & Golvan, 1957
- Aphallus Poche, 1926
- Beluesca Miller & Cribb, 2007
- Biovarium Yamaguti, 1934
- Bolbogonotylus Font, 1987
- Brientrema Dollfus, 1950
- Caecincola Marshall & Gilbert, 1905
- Caimanicola Freitas & Lent, 1938
- Campechetrema Lamothe-Argumedo, Salgado-Maldonado & Pineda-López, 1997
- Caulanus Miller & Cribb, 2007
- Centrobvarium Stafford, 1904
- Centrovarium Stafford, 1904
- Chelediadema Miller & Cribb, 2007
- Cicesetrema Pérez-Ponce de León, Castillo-Sanchez & Rosales-Casian, 1999
- Claribulla Overstreet, 1969
- Cryptogonimus Osborn, 1903
- Diplopharyngotrema Yamaguti, 1958
- Euryakaina Miller, Adlard, Bray, Justine & Cribb, 2010
- 外睾吸虫属 Exorchis Kobayashi, 1921
- Gonacanthella Sogandares-Bernal, 1959
- Grandifundilamena Bray, Kmentová & Georgieva, 2020
- Gymnatrema Morozov, 1955
- Gynichthys Miller & Cribb, 2009
- Iheringtrema Travassos, 1947
- Isocoelioides Zhukov, 1971
- Isocoelium Ozaki, 1927
- Latuterus Miller & Cribb, 2007
- Lobosorchis Miller & Cribb, 2005
- Mahrosa Nagaty & Abdel Aal, 1961
- Megamonostomella Rahemo & Al-Naemi, 1998
- Mehracola Srivastava, 1937
- Mehrailla Srivastava, 1939
- Mehravermis Machida, 2009
- Metadena Linton, 1910
- Mitotrema Manter, 1963
- Multigonotylus Premvati, 1967
- Neochasmus Van Cleave & Mueller, 1932
- Neocladocystis Manter & Pritchard, 1969
- Neometadena Hafeezullah & Siddiqi, 1970
- Novemtestis Yamaguti, 1942
- Oligogonotylus Watson, 1976
- Olmeca Lamothe-Argumedo & Pineda-López, 1990
- Opisthognathotrema Machida, 2009
- Opistognathotrema Machida, 2009
- Orientodiploproctodaeum Bhutta & Khan, 1970
- Palaeocryptogonimus Szidat, 1954
- Paracrptopgonimus Yamaguti, 1934
- Paracryptogonimoides Nagaty & Abdel-Aal, 1961
- Paraisocoelium Ozaki, 1932
- Parspina Pearse, 1920
- Perlevilobus Miller & Cribb, 2008
- Polycryptocylix Lamothe-Argumedo, 1970
- Polyorchitrema Srivastava, 1939
- Proctocaecum Baugh, 1957
- Pseudoacanthostomum Caballero, Bravo-Hollis & Grocott, 1953
- Pseudoanisocoelium Gupta & Tandon, 1985
- Pseudocryptogonimus Khan & Bilqees, 1990
- Pseudocryptogonimus Yamaguti, 1958
- Pseudometadena Yamaguti, 1952
- Pseudosellacotyla Yamaguti, 1954
- Retrobulla Cribb, 1985
- Retrovarium Miller & Cribb, 2007
- Santeria Bray, 1986
- Serpentoanisocladium Tkach & Bush, 2010
- Siphodera Linton, 1910
- Siphoderina Manter, 1934
- Siphomutabilus Miller & Cribb, 2013
- Stegopa Linton, 1910
- Stemmatostoma Cribb, 1986
- Tabascotrema Lamothe-Argumedo & Pineda-López, 1990
- Tandemorchis Lü, 1993
- Tanganyikatrema Kmentová, Georgieva & Bray, 2020
- Telogaster Macfarlane, 1945
- Textrema Dronen, Underwood & Suderman, 1977
- Timoniella Rebecq, 1960
- Timoniella Rebecq, 1960
- Tubanguia Srivastava, 1935
- Turgecaecum Sullivan, 1975
- Varialvus Miller, Bray, Justine & Cribb, 2010
- Varialvus angustus Miller, Bray, Justine & Cribb, 2010
- Varialvus charadrus Miller, Bray, Justine & Cribb, 2010
- Varialvus jenae Miller, Bray, Justine & Cribb, 2010
- Varialvus lacertus Miller, Bray, Justine & Cribb, 2010
- Varialvus lutjani (Saoud, Ramadan & Al Kawari, 1988) Miller, Bray, Justine & Cribb, 2010
- ^ Cryptogonimidae. GBIF. [2022-08-28]. (原始内容存档于2021-10-24).
- ^ Rodney A. Bray (1986) Some helminth parasites of marine fishes of South Africa: Santeria rubalo gen. et sp. nov. (Digenea: Cryptogonimidae), Journal of Natural History, 20:4, 817-823, DOI: 10.1080/00222938600770581