有關魔法戒指的故事可以追溯到希臘羅馬的古典时代。柏拉图在《理想国》中說了裘格斯戒指的故事,帶上這個戒指的人可以隱形[5]。牧羊人裘格斯在洞穴中找到戒指,用戒指使自己隱形,勾引皇后,殺害國王,搶奪其王位。不過更早有關裘格斯(英语:Gyges of Lydia)的記載,提到他是呂底亞的國王,沒有提到戒指。在希腊神话中很少提到帶有魔法的戒指,不過在珀耳修斯的神話中提到許多其他有魔法的物品。
中古時期阿拉伯人以及希伯來人的傳統孕育了所羅門的戒指(英语:Ring of Solomon)的傳說,用這個戒指可以控制惡魔或鎮尼。像在《一千零一夜》裡,漁夫Judar bin Omar發現了魔法師Al-Shamardal的戒指[6],而鞋匠Ma'aruf發現了Shaddád ibn Aad的圖章戒指[7]。這二個戒指的能力都源自於束縛在其中的精靈[a]。在阿拉丁與神燈的故事中,阿拉丁也是從魔法師給他的戒指中召喚了精靈[9]。在文藝復興時期,西方的魔法(英语:Renaissance magic)、神秘主義以及煉金術也引用了所羅門的戒指的典故。
^The two djinn are called, respectively, Al-Ra’ad al-Kasif (“Ear-deafening Thunder”) and Abú al-Sa’ádát (“the Father of Prosperities”). Based on their talismanic nature, both are “astral” demons. Their bonds are magical names from the repertoire of the “Solomonic Art”.[8]
^For the use of such rings in halakhic literature see ref[11]
^Byock, Jesse L, 1990, reprinted 1999. The Saga of the Volsungs: the Norse Epic of Sugurd the Dragon Slayer. Translated from Old Norse with an introduction. Penguin Books Limited.
^Grube, G.M.A.; Reeve, C.D.C., rev. Republic: Book II. Cooper, John M. (编). Plato: Complete Works. Hackett Publishing. 1997: 1000.
^Nights 606–624, The story of Judar and his brothers. One Thousand and One Nights VI. 由Burton, Richard翻译. : 213–257.
^Nights 990–1001, Ma'aruf the cobbler and his wife Fatimah. One Thousand and One Nights X. 由Burton, Richard翻译. : 1–53.
^Barta, Peter J. The Seal of Proportion and the Magic Rings. 2016: 37–38, 69.
^Nights 514-591, Aladdin; or The Wonderful Lamp. Supplemental Nights III. 由Burton, Richard翻译. : 49–191, 193–265. (pp. 49-191 from the Arabic published by Hermann Zotenberg, and pp. 193-265 from the French version of Antoine Galland)
^Zohar 1:29a, although this is certainly metaphorical.
^Eyrbyggja Saga [The Story of the Ere-Dwellers]. Medieval and Classical Literature Library. The Saga Library II. 由Morris, William; Magnusson, Eirikr翻译. London: Bernard Quaritch. 1892 [2023-09-28]. (原始内容存档于2023-09-28).
^Sturluson, Snorri. The death of Baldr and Hermod's ride to Hel. Snorri Sturluson: The Prose Edda. 由Byock, Jesse L.翻译. Penguin Books. 2005: 49, 65–69. Norse Mythology, translated from Old Norse with an introduction
^de Troyes, Chrétien. Kibler, William W.; Carroll, Carleton W. , 编. Chrétien de Troyes: Arthurian Romances. Penguin Books. 1991: 307. Translated from Old French with an introduction
^Brasswell, Mary Flowers (编). Introduction to the TEAMS medieval text. Sir Perceval of Galles and Yvain and Gawain. Kalamazoo, Michigan: Western Michigan University for TEAMS. 1995 [2023-09-28]. (原始内容存档于2012-01-05).
^Aarne, Antti; Thompson, Stith. The Types of the Folktale: A classification and bibliography. Folklore Fellows Communications 184 Third. Helsinki, FI: Academia Scientiarum Fennica. 1973: 202–203 [1961].
^Shippey, Tom. The Road to Middle-earth revised & enlarged. Mariner Books. November 2017: 77 [8 April 2014]. ISBN 978-0-618-25760-7.
^von Westerman, Gerhart. Richard Wagner. Opera Guide reprint. 1973: 200–253 [1964].