[StarRail2.7] Firefly In-Depth Build Guide🔥

Should you pull for Firefly?

➥ Firefly is a Fire character following the path of the Destruction. She excels at dealing Break DMG to enemies, and can apply Fire Weakness to enemies regardless of their Weakness Type during her Ultimate. Additionally, she can also heal herself when using her Enhanced Basic Attack and/or Enhanced Skill. If you are looking for a Fire DPS or want to play Break teams, Firefly is a great option to pull for!
➥ However, if you like Firefly, go for her! Remember, enjoying the game is more important^^
➥ Banners available on: Firefull Flyshine (25 Dec 2024 - 14 Jan 2025)

Build Guide

Extra notes
➥ More Relic sets Firefly can use4pc Firesmith of Lava-Forging
4pc Thief of Shooting Meteor
4pc Genius of Brilliant Stars (use only for 4pc set effect)
You can also mix-and-match 2pc ATK, SPD and Break Effect sets

Combat Utilities


➥ Firefly is already a great character at E0 - it's not necessary to go for Eidolons. Feel free to pull for them if you want though! Recommended Eidolons have a star symbol.

Relics and Planar Ornaments

  • Main stat priority
  • Body: ATK
  • Boots: SPD
  • Sphere: Fire/ATK
  • Rope: Break Effect
  • Substats priority
  • Break Effect > ATK > SPD

Light Cones

➥ Short forms used:ERR is Energy Regeneration Rate
LC is Light Cone

SP is Skill Point

➥ Likewise, don't be pressured to warp on the Limited LC banner if you don't want to! There are other LCs that work perfectly fine for Firefly. Pull if you really want / have the Jades~

Team Compositions

➥ The characters shown are only examples. Feel free to try out more teams!

Materials Checklist

Tick off the boxes once you have completed farming for the materials!

FAQ & NotesE1 or S1? Firefly's E1 ignores a certain percentage of the enemy's DEF and Skill Points (SP) will not be consumed when using Enhanced Skill - a great Eidolon if the team is very reliant on SP. Plus, her E2 is a good stopping point, so if you do get her E2 while pulling for E1, it's a bonus! However if you like her signature Light Cone, go for it! Enjoying the game is more important~
Try to hit at least 360% Break Effect on Firefly during combat so that she can deal more Break and Super Break DMG!
31 | 12/29/2024 9:57:36 PM
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