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![]() | Notice: This template is mostly non-transluded, intended for use only during edit-preview of articles, where the formatted lowercase output is eventually copied back, or WP:Subst'ed, into those articles. |
![]() | Bản mẫu này phải luôn luôn được thay thế (v.d., sử dụng {{thế:Fixcaps}}). |
The Bản mẫu:Fixcaps sets the lowercase or capital-letter format of each word (or phrase) in a slash-encoded title, as with a book or film title.
Most words will be displayed with a capital-letter, followed by all lowercase letters, while a preposition or article (a/an/the) will be shown in lowercase letters. A leading "+" forces lowercase. A leading caret symbol ("^") will cause the text to display unchanged, so "^woRDs" would show "woRDs". Prepositions include: about, above, after, at, before, by, for, in, of, on, with and without. Each word to capitalize must be preceded by a slash ("/"), but all spaces could be slashes, and prepositions would still display in lowercase letters. Only 25 slashes are allowed in each parameter, or about 40-45 words (2 lines of text) per parameter, and a wikilink must be in a separate parameter, not embedded inside other text (see below: Limitations). A total of 8 parameters are allowed, or about 320-360 words.
An extra space is added at the end of each slashed part except after a single quotation mark, left parenthesis, em dash, or apostrophes (''').
This template should normally be substituted when used directly in an article. The text that results from this template, with mixed capital and lowercase letters, will be permanently inserted into the page when it is saved, if the template is substituted. This is desirable when repairing things like blocks of ALL-CAPS WRITING. The template can also be used temporarily in edit mode as a tool for generating the corrected text in preview mode, then copy-pasted back into the text being edited, over the improperly capitalized material.
Please familiarize yourself with Wikipedia:Cẩm nang biên soạn/Titles before using this template for titles of published works. There are multiple styles of title capitalization (high academic, mainstream, and journalistic), and Wikipedia uses the middle approach. The short version: use lowercase for a/an/the, for prepositions shorter than 5 letters, for and/but/or/nor, and for the to of infinitives. The preposition rule means "with" is lower case, "About" is mixed case. The preposition rule applies even when the preposition in question is capitalized when it is not used as a preposition.
Dưới đây là một số ví dụ khác:
A major use for the template would be in reformatting long lists of book titles entered as ALL-CAPS text, while inserting formatting codes for italics, footnotes or bolded volume numbers. Occasionally, entire sections or paragraphs of an article might contain ALL UPPERCASE TEXT, and the template can be used to more easily downcase all the improperly formatted text.
Just inserting a few slashes into the text, such as at the start of sentences and town names, and putting wikilinks as separate lowercase parameters, can easily salvage a whole paragraph of caps-only text, within 1 minute. Wikilinks are NOT allowed embedded within the text, only as separate parameters (each in vertical bars "|[[link]] |").
Fixcaps is limited by restrictions set in the MediaWiki software, version 1.44.0-wmf.19 (fcd475b), of about 40-45 words (255 characters, or about 2 lines of text) in each of the 8 parameters. Wikilinks must be separate parameters in bars(|[[Link]]|), not embedded within the text, or else put between 2 {{fixcaps}} around a wikilink; otherwise, an embedded wikilink will repeat 25 times. The encoding of the text is limited to 25 slashes in each parameter, and the enclosed text cannot display slashes, except using a slash-backslash-slash ("/\/") to display a forward slash. A total of eight (8) parameters are allowed, to handle 320-360 words or about 16 lines. For larger sections, use multiple {{fixcaps}} to handle 700 or more words, or for each 16 lines of text.
Special conditions:
Any other character after the slash will cause the text to have all lowercase letters.
TitleCase.com— Convert text to title case, uppercase and lowercase