Bản mẫu:GHSp

The exploding-bomb pictogram in the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS) {{GHS01}} {{GHS exploding bomb}} Image:GHS-pictogram-explos.svg
The flame pictogram in the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS) {{GHS02}} {{GHS flame}} Image:GHS-pictogram-flamme.svg
GHS03: Oxidizing {{GHS03}} {{GHS flame over circle}} Image:GHS-pictogram-rondflam.svg
GHS04: Compressed Gas {{GHS04}} {{GHS gas cylinder}} Image:GHS-pictogram-bottle.svg
Biểu tượng ăn mòn trong Hệ thống Điều hòa Toàn cầu về Phân loại và Dán nhãn Hóa chất (GHS) {{GHS05}} {{GHS corrosion}} Image:GHS-pictogram-acid.svg
GHS06: Toxic {{GHS06}} {{GHS skull and crossbones}} Image:GHS-pictogram-skull.svg
The exclamation-mark pictogram in the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS) {{GHS07}} {{GHS exclamation mark}} Image:GHS-pictogram-exclam.svg
GHS08: Health hazard {{GHS08}} {{GHS health hazard}} Image:GHS-pictogram-silhouette.svg
The environment pictogram in the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS) {{GHS09}} {{GHS environment}} Image:GHS-pictogram-pollu.svg
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{{H-phrases}}, {{P-phrases}}, Thể loại:GHS templates
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