Johann G. Hagen, Catherine Wolfe Bruce, Michael Esch, Friedrich Becker, Frances Woodworth Wright, Johan Willem Jakob Anton Stein: Atlas stellarum variabilium I -IX, Specola vaticana, 1941
S. Newcomb: Pof. Newcomb's new planetary tables, The Observatory 18 (1895) 86
Obituary Notices: Associates: - Pickering, Edward Charles, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 80 (1920) 360
H.B. Kaster: Note Regarding the Death of Miss Catherine Wolfe Bruce and Her Services to Astronomy, Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific Vol. 39, No. 231 (1927) p. 315
M.B. Ogilvie und J.D. Harvey: Biographical Dictionary of Women in Science, 2000, ISBN 0-415-92040-X
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