Mô đun:Basketball color

-- Mô đun này thực hiện
-- {{NBA color}}, {{NBA color cell}}, {{NBA color cell2}}
-- {{Euroleague color}}, {{Euroleague color cell}}, {{Euroleague color cell2}}, 
-- {{NBL colour}}, {{NBL colour cell}}, {{NBL colour cell2}},
-- {{PBA color}}, {{PBA color cell}}, {{PBA color cell2}},
-- {{European leagues color}}, {{European leagues color cell}}, {{European leagues color cell2}},
-- {{KBL color}}, {{KBL color cell}}, {{KBL color cell2}}
local p = {}

local data_module = "Mô đun:Basketball color/data"

local function stripwhitespace(text)
	return text:match("^%s*(.-)%s*$")

local function get_colors(team, unknown)
	team = stripwhitespace(team or '')
	unknown = unknown or {"DCDCDC", "000000", "000000", "FFFFFF"}
	local use_default = {
		[""] = 1,
		["retired"] = 1,
		["free agent"] = 1,
	local colors = nil
	if ( team and use_default[team:lower()] ) then
		colors = {"DCDCDC", "000000", "DCDCDC", "FFFFFF"}
		local all_colors = mw.loadData(data_module)
		colors = all_colors[team]
		if ( colors and type(colors) == 'string' ) then
			colors = all_colors[colors]

	return colors or unknown

local function team_color(team, num)
	local colors = get_colors(team, nil)

	num = tonumber(num:match('[1-4]') or '0')
	if ( num ) then
		return colors[num]
		return ''

local function bordercss(c, w)
	local s = 'inset ' .. w .. 'px ' .. w .. 'px 0 #' .. c 
		.. ', inset -' .. w .. 'px -' .. w .. 'px 0 #' .. c
	return '-moz-box-shadow: ' .. s .. '; -webkit-box-shadow: ' .. s .. '; box-shadow: ' .. s .. ';'

local function team_colorcell(team, borderwidth, bg, fg, bd, simple)
	local colors = get_colors(team, nil)
	local border = ''
	borderwidth = borderwidth or ''
	if (borderwidth ~= '') then
		if simple then
			border = 'border:' .. borderwidth .. 'px solid #' .. stripwhitespace(colors[bd]) .. ';'
			border = bordercss(stripwhitespace(colors[bd]), borderwidth)
	return 'background-color:#' .. stripwhitespace(colors[bg]) .. ';color:#' .. stripwhitespace(colors[fg]) .. ';' .. border

local function team_check(team, unknown)
	local colors = get_colors(team, unknown)
	if type(colors) == 'table' then
		return 'known'
		return unknown

function p.color(frame)
	local args = (frame.args[1] ~= nil) and frame.args or frame:getParent().args
	return team_color(args[1] or '', args[2] or '')

function p.colorcell(frame)
	local args = (frame.args[1] ~= nil) and frame.args or frame:getParent().args
	return team_colorcell(args[1] or '', args['border'] or '', 1, 2, 3, args['simple'] and 1 or nil )

function p.colorcell2(frame)
	local args = (frame.args[1] ~= nil) and frame.args or frame:getParent().args
	return team_colorcell(args[1] or '', args['border'] or '', 3, 4, 1, args['simple'] and 1 or nil )

function p.check(frame)
	local args = (frame.args[1] ~= nil) and frame.args or frame:getParent().args
	return team_check(args[1] or '', args[2] or '')

return p
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