Mô đun:InfoboxImage

-- Inputs:
--    image - Can either be a bare filename (with or without the File:/Image: prefix) or a fully formatted image link
--    page - page to display for multipage images (DjVu)
--    size - size to display the image
--    maxsize - maximum size for image
--    sizedefault - default size to display the image if size param is blank
--    alt - alt text for image
--    title - title text for image
--    border - set to yes if border
--    center - set to yes, if the image has to be centered
--    upright - upright image param
--    suppressplaceholder - if yes then checks to see if image is a placeholder and suppresses it
--    link - page to visit when clicking on image
-- Outputs:
--    Formatted image.
-- More details available at the "Module:InfoboxImage/doc" page

local i = {};

local placeholder_image = {
    "Blue - Replace this image female.svg",
    "Blue - Replace this image male.svg",
    "Female no free image yet.png",
    "Flag of None (square).svg",
    "Flag of None.svg",
    "Flag of.svg",
    "Green - Replace this image female.svg",
    "Green - Replace this image male.svg",
    "Image is needed female.svg",
    "Image is needed male.svg",
    "Location map of None.svg",
    "Male no free image yet.png",
    "Missing flag.png",
    "No flag.svg",
    "No free portrait.svg",
    "No portrait (female).svg",
    "No portrait (male).svg",
    "Red - Replace this image female.svg",
    "Red - Replace this image male.svg",
    "Replace this image female (blue).svg",
    "Replace this image female.svg",
    "Replace this image male (blue).svg",
    "Replace this image male.svg",
    "Silver - Replace this image female.svg",
    "Silver - Replace this image male.svg",
    "Replace this image.svg",
	"Cricket no pic.png",
	"Diagram Needed.svg",
	"Image placeholder.png",
	"No male portrait.svg",
	"NoDVDcover copy.png",
	"No portrait-BFD-test.svg",
	"Placeholder barnstar ribbon.png",
	"Project Trains no image.png",
	"Sin bandera.svg",
	"Sin escudo.svg",
	"Replace this image - temple.png",
	"Replace this image butterfly.png",
	"Replace this image.svg",
	"Replace this image1.svg",
	"Resolution angle.png",
	"Image-No portrait-text-BFD-test.svg",
	"Insert image here.svg",
	"No image available.png",
	"NO IMAGE YET square.png",
	"NO IMAGE YET.png",
	"No Photo Available.svg",
	"No Screenshot.svg",
	"Place holder.jpg",
	"Diagram Needed.svg",
	"No male portrait.svg",
	"NoDVDcover copy.png",
	"Placeholder barnstar ribbon.png",
	"Project Trains no image.png",

function i.IsPlaceholder(image)
    -- change underscores to spaces
    image = mw.ustring.gsub(image, "_", " ");
    assert(image ~= nil, 'mw.ustring.gsub(image, "_", " ") must not return nil')
    -- if image starts with [[ then remove that and anything after |
    if mw.ustring.sub(image,1,2) == "[[" then
        image = mw.ustring.sub(image,3);
        image = mw.ustring.gsub(image, "([^|]*)|.*", "%1");
        assert(image ~= nil, 'mw.ustring.gsub(image, "([^|]*)|.*", "%1") must not return nil')
    -- Trim spaces
    image = mw.ustring.gsub(image, '^[ ]*(.-)[ ]*$', '%1');
    assert(image ~= nil, "mw.ustring.gsub(image, '^[ ]*(.-)[ ]*$', '%1') must not return nil")
    -- remove prefix if exists
    local allNames = mw.site.namespaces[6].aliases
    allNames[#allNames + 1] = mw.site.namespaces[6].name
    allNames[#allNames + 1] = mw.site.namespaces[6].canonicalName
    for i, name in ipairs(allNames) do
        if mw.ustring.lower(mw.ustring.sub(image, 1, mw.ustring.len(name) + 1)) == mw.ustring.lower(name .. ":") then
            image = mw.ustring.sub(image, mw.ustring.len(name) + 2);
    -- Trim spaces
    image = mw.ustring.gsub(image, '^[ ]*(.-)[ ]*$', '%1');
    -- capitalise first letter
    image = mw.ustring.upper(mw.ustring.sub(image,1,1)) .. mw.ustring.sub(image,2);

    for i,j in pairs(placeholder_image) do
        if image == j then
            return true
    return false

function i.InfoboxImage(frame)
    local image = frame.args["image"];
    if image == "" or image == nil then
        return "";
    if image == " " then
        return image;
    if frame.args["suppressplaceholder"] ~= "no" then
        if i.IsPlaceholder(image) == true then
            return "";

    if mw.ustring.lower(mw.ustring.sub(image,1,5)) == "http:" then
        return "";
    if mw.ustring.lower(mw.ustring.sub(image,1,6)) == "[http:" then
        return "";
    if mw.ustring.lower(mw.ustring.sub(image,1,7)) == "[[http:" then
        return "";
    if mw.ustring.lower(mw.ustring.sub(image,1,6)) == "https:" then
        return "";
    if mw.ustring.lower(mw.ustring.sub(image,1,7)) == "[https:" then
        return "";
    if mw.ustring.lower(mw.ustring.sub(image,1,8)) == "[[https:" then
        return "";

    if mw.ustring.sub(image,1,2) == "[[" then
        -- search for thumbnail images and add to tracking cat if found
        local cat = "";
        if mw.title.getCurrentTitle().namespace == 0 and (mw.ustring.find(image, "|%s*thumb%s*[|%]]") or mw.ustring.find(image, "|%s*thumbnail%s*[|%]]")) then
            cat = "[[Thể loại:Trang có hộp thông tin có hình nhỏ]]";
        elseif mw.title.getCurrentTitle().namespace == 0 then
            cat = "[[Category:Pages using deprecated image syntax]]";
        return image .. cat;
    elseif mw.ustring.sub(image,1,2) == "{{" and mw.ustring.sub(image,1,3) ~= "{{{" then
        return image;
    elseif mw.ustring.sub(image,1,1) == "<" then
        return image;
    elseif mw.ustring.sub(image,1,5) == mw.ustring.char(127).."UNIQ" then
        -- Found strip marker at begining, so pass don't process at all
        return image;
    elseif mw.ustring.sub(image,4,9) == "`UNIQ-" then
        -- Found strip marker at begining, so pass don't process at all
        return image;
        local result = "";
        local page = frame.args["page"];
        local size = frame.args["size"];
        local maxsize = frame.args["maxsize"];
        local sizedefault = frame.args["sizedefault"];
        local alt = frame.args["alt"];
        local link = frame.args["link"];
        local title = frame.args["title"];
        local border = frame.args["border"];
        local upright = frame.args["upright"] or "";
        local thumbtime = frame.args["thumbtime"] or "";
        local center= frame.args["center"];
        -- remove prefix if exists
        local allNames = mw.site.namespaces[6].aliases
        allNames[#allNames + 1] = mw.site.namespaces[6].name
        allNames[#allNames + 1] = mw.site.namespaces[6].canonicalName
        for i, name in ipairs(allNames) do
            if mw.ustring.lower(mw.ustring.sub(image, 1, mw.ustring.len(name) + 1)) == mw.ustring.lower(name .. ":") then
                image = mw.ustring.sub(image, mw.ustring.len(name) + 2);
        if maxsize ~= "" and maxsize ~= nil then
            -- if no sizedefault then set to maxsize
            if sizedefault == "" or sizedefault == nil then
                sizedefault = maxsize
            -- check to see if size bigger than maxsize
            if size ~= "" and size ~= nil then
                local sizenumber = tonumber(mw.ustring.match(size,"%d*")) or 0;
                local maxsizenumber = tonumber(mw.ustring.match(maxsize,"%d*")) or 0;
                if sizenumber>maxsizenumber and maxsizenumber>0 then
                    size = maxsize;
        -- add px to size if just a number
        if (tonumber(size) or 0) > 0 then
            size = size .. "px";
        -- add px to sizedefault if just a number
        if (tonumber(sizedefault) or 0) > 0 then
            sizedefault = sizedefault .. "px";
        result = "[[File:" .. image;
        if page ~= "" and page ~= nil then
            result = result .. "|page=" .. page;
        if size ~= "" and size ~= nil then
            result = result .. "|" .. size;
        elseif sizedefault ~= "" and sizedefault ~= nil then
            result = result .. "|" .. sizedefault;
            result = result .. "|frameless";
        if center == "yes" then
            result = result .. "|center"
        if alt ~= "" and alt ~= nil then
            result = result .. "|alt=" .. alt;
        if link ~= "" and link ~= nil then
            result = result .. "|link=" .. link;
        if border == "yes" then
            result = result .. "|border";
        if upright == "yes" then
            result = result .. "|upright";
        elseif upright ~= "" then
            result = result .. "|upright=" .. upright;
        if thumbtime ~= "" then
            result = result .. "|thumbtime=" .. thumbtime;
        if title ~= "" and title ~= nil then
            result = result .. "|" .. title;
        elseif alt ~= "" and alt ~= nil then
            result = result .. "|" .. alt;
        result = result .. "]]";
        return result;

return i;
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