Thảo luận Bản mẫu:Anchor

[sửa mã nguồn]

Trợ giúpcommons:template:anchor · Thảo luận

<font id="{{{anchor|anchor}}}" ></font><noinclude>
'''{{ns:help}}''' → [[commons:template:anchor]] · [[commons:template talk:anchor|{{ns:talk}}]]

was changed to:

<span id="{{{anchor|anchor}}}" ></span><noinclude>
<br clear="all" />
'''{{ns:help}}''' {{ #ifeq: {{urlencode:{{DIRECTIONMARK}}}} | %E2%80%8E | → | ← }} [[commons:template:anchor]] · [[commons:template talk:anchor|{{ns:talk}}]]

ar:template:anchor bg:template:anchor ca:template:anchor cs:template:anchor da:template:anchor de:Vorlage:Anker el:template:anchor en:template:anchor eo:template:anchor eu:template:anchor fa:template:anchor fi:template:anchor fr:template:anchor hsb:template:anchor he:template:anchor hu:template:anchor is:template:anchor ja:template:anchor ko:template:anchor ks:template:anchor la:template:anchor mi:template:anchor nds:template:anchor nl:template:anchor nn:template:anchor no:template:anchor oc:template:anchor pl:template:anchor ps:template:anchor pt:template:anchor rmy:template:anchor ro:template:anchor ru:template:anchor sd:template:anchor simple:template:anchor sl:template:Sidro sq:template:anchor sr:template:anchor sv:template:anchor sw:template:anchor te:template:anchor tn:template:anchor uk:template:anchor ur:template:anchor vi:template:anchor yi:template:anchor zh:template:anchor


because <font ... >...</font> is deprected; the code is identical both at RTL and LTR wikis; best regards
‫·‏לערי ריינהארט‏·‏T‏·‏m‏:‏Th‏·‏T‏·‏email me‏·‏‬ 03:22, ngày 16 tháng 2 năm 2008 (UTC)Trả lời

Khoá hoàn toàn

[sửa mã nguồn]

Nên khoá hoàn toàn, bởi vì bản mẫu sử dụng nhiều. Nhatminh01 (thảo luận) 00:35, ngày 5 tháng 7 năm 2018 (UTC)Trả lời

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