
Persoondata is spesiale metadata wat by biografiese artikels gevoeg kan word. Die metadata kan outomatiese onttrek en geproseseer word op 'n manier wat nie moontlik is met gewone Wikipedia inhoud nie. Die data bestaan uit 'n stel standaard datavelde wat basiese inligting omtrent die persoon insluit, bv naam, geboortedatum, geboorteplek ens. Die metadata kan vir verskeie doeleindes gebruik word, bv gevorderde soektogte, statistiese analise, ge-outomatiseerde kategorisering en verjaarsdaglyste. Wanneer die persoondata bygevoeg word sal dit nie die normale vertoon van die artikel beinvloed nie, aangesien die inligting verskuil bly, behalwe as die die gebruiker sy/haar stylesheet verander om dit te vertoon.

Gebruik van die sjabloon

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Kyk na Sjabloonbespreking:Persoondata om te sien hoe die sjabloon gebruik word.

Besigtiging van Persoondata

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"Screenshot" van Persoondata van Rudolf Vrba

By verstek is die persoondata onsigbaar vir gewone gebruikers. Om die persoondata sigbaar te maak moet jy jou persoonlike stylesheet verander. Om dit te doen moet jy eerstens seker maak dat jy ingeteken is. Skep dan 'n bladsy Gebruiker:JouGebruikersNaam/monobook.css en voeg die volgende lyn by:

table.metadata {display:table;}

of, as jy Microsoft Internet Explorer gebruik:

table.metadata {display:block;}

As jy die volgende inligting omtrent Ferdinand Magellaan kan sien, dan het jy die metadata sukselvol sigbaar gemaak: Sjabloon:Persoondata Om die persoondata weer onsigbaar te maak, verwyder die lyn uit die stylesheet.


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Data fields

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The data fields NAME, ALTERNATIVE NAMES, SHORT DESCRIPTION, DATE OF BIRTH, PLACE OF BIRTH, DATE OF DEATH, and PLACE OF DEATH are used to construct a persondata record. These fields can possibly be extended in the future.

Fieldname Examples

Magellan, Ferdinand
Bush, George Walker
Beethoven, Ludwig van
Van Zandt, Townes
Brutus of Troy
King, Martin Luther, Jr.


Magalhães, Fernão de (Portuguese); Magallanes, Fernando de (Spanish)
Clemens, Samuel Langhorne (real name)


Sea explorer
German philosopher
Anarchist writer and publisher
39th President of the United States


October 25, 1806
circa 470 BCE


Sabrosa, Portugal
Newark, New Jersey


April 27, 1521
January, 1945


Mactan Island, Cebu, Philippines
Mount Juliet, Tennessee

Wikilinks in the persondata are not currently necessary; however, they may be useful for some future application.

When specifying the person's name, use the following format: [surname], [forename] [middle names], [title]. For most cases this will be straightforward, for example, "George Walker Bush" becomes "Bush, George Walker". In some cases, however, there may be ambiguity about a person's surname. When in doubt, format the name according to how you would expect it to be alphabetized. For example, Ludwig van Beethoven would be alphabetized under "Beethoven", while Townes Van Zandt would be alphabetized under "Van Zandt". If you're not sure, ask someone familiar with the subject how they would alphabetize the name or consult a cataloguing guide such as the AACR2.

It is usually a good idea to list as much of a person's name as possible in the name field to avoid confusion with similar names. Do not include honorifics (such as "Dr.", "Professor", or "PhD"), however, unless they are part of a title of nobility.


[wysig bron]

Without uniform formatting, it is very difficult to automatically extract useful information from biographical articles. It is also impossible to automatically alphabetize all the biographical articles since the titles typically begin with the person's first name. By adding standardized metadata to such articles, we can facilitate the creation of new applications for Wikipedia content, such as Wikipedia CD-ROMs, custom search applications, etc. Hopefully, this will be the first of many steps towards enriching Wikipedia with semantic content.

Extraction of persondata

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Extraction from an SQL database

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Using an SQL query, the persondata can be filtered from Wikipedia articles stored in a database. As an example, here is an SQL query that can be used to extract persondata from

   SUBSTRING(SUBSTRING(pages.cur_text FROM INSTR(pages.cur_text,'{{Persondata')), 1,
      INSTR(SUBSTRING(pages.cur_text FROM INSTR(pages.cur_text,'{{Persondata')),'}}')+1)
      AS 'Persondata'
FROM cur AS pd
JOIN templatelinks AS tl
   ON pd.cur_namespace = tl.tl_namespace
   AND pd.cur_title = tl.tl_title
JOIN cur AS pages
   ON tl.tl_from = pages.cur_id
   AND pages.cur_namespace = 0
WHERE pd.cur_namespace = 10
AND pd.cur_title = 'Persondata'

In order to be useful, however, the persondata must be further divided into individual data fields.

Extraction from the XML dump

[wysig bron]

Coming soon...