Salomon Īege

Salomon Īege
Þēodlic cwide: Lædan biþ Þegnan
Heafodstol Honiara
Brego Carl III Cyning
Forma Þegn Manasseh Sogavare
Bradnes 28,400.0 km²
Feoh Salomon Īegena dāler
Tidgyrdel Eallic tid UTC+11:00, Pacific/Guadalcanal
Þēodlic antefn God Nerie Ūre Salomon Īega
Sundorricehad 7 Mǣdmōnaþ 1978, of þæm Geānedan Cynerīce
Webbnamena tægl .sb
Getalu forerīma feorsprecan be lande +677

Þā Salomon Īege sind īeghēap and sundor cynerīce æt þæs Sericus Garsecges ƿesternum rime, be ēasten Papua Nīƿ Guinea. Þis rīce haefþ siexe micle īegalnd and mār þon 900 læsse īega. His landscipe is 10,965 mīla þæs feoƿerscite.

Þāra Salomon Īegena hēafodstōl is Honiara on Guadalcanal þære īege. His anwealda is Carl III Cyning se is ēac Bretta Cyning.

Noðȳlæs, þæs īeghēapes norþdæl nis in þæm Salomanīegrīce ac belimpeþ Papua Nīƿ Guinea, se is ēac Elisabeþe I rīce.

Se forma afundere of Europan se cƿōm hēr ƿæs Álvaro de Mendaña Spēonisc liþmann se seglede onmang þæm īegum in 1568 and he nemnede hie Islas Salomón.[1] In 1893 cƿōm Gibson Sciphlāford þæs HMS Curacoa þæs Cynelican Scipheres and abannede þe þā īegland bēoþ Bryttisc ƿeardscipe.

In þæm Ōðru Ƿoruldgūþ ƿæs grim feoht in þæm Salomon Īege Fare betƿuh Amercaþēod and Iapanƿarum in 1942–1945 and Guadalcanal Fēoht ƿæs blōdig.

Frūman and glēsing

[adihtan | adihtan fruman]
  1. Alvaro de Mendaña de Neira, 1542?–1595. Princeton University Library. Begieten on 8 February 2013.
Carles III Cyninges rīciu
Antigua and Barbuda • Australand • Þā Bahamas • Belīs • Canada • Geaned Cynerice • Grenadieg • Iamaica • Niwsæland • Papua Nīwguineg • Sanctus-Christophes and Nefis • Sanct Lūcialand • Halga Uincentius and þa Grenadingas • Salomon Īege • Tufalu

Sericus Garsecges Iegland

Fanuatu • Ficgīege • Kiribas • Micronesia þā Geƿǣredan Rīciu • Marshall Īegland • Nauru • Niwsæland • Palau • Papua Nīwguineg • Samoa • Salomon Īege • Tonga • Tufalu

Americanisc landscipe: Americanisc Samoa • Guam • Hawaii • Norþerne Māriana Īegland • Geanedu Rica Lytlan Utligendan Iege • Wacanieg

Australisc landscipe: Crīstesmæsse Īeg • Cēoling Īege • Norþfolc Īeg

Bryttisc landscipe: Pitcearnīega

Cilisc landscipe: Ēasterīeg

Ficgīege landscipe: Rotuma

Frencisc landscipe: Frencisc Polynesia • Nīwe Scotta Ēaland • Wallis and Futuna

Niwsælendisc landscipe: Cociega • Niugue • Tocelaw