নিম (ইংৰাজী: Neem, বৈজ্ঞানিক নাম: Azadirachta indica) ‘Meliaceae’ পৰিয়ালৰ অন্তৰ্ভুক্ত এবিধ উদ্ভিদ। এই উদ্ভিদবিধ ভাৰত, পাকিস্তান আৰু বাংলাদেশৰ ক্ৰান্তীয় তথা অৰ্ধক্ৰান্তীয় বনাঞ্চলত স্থানীয়ভাৱে হয়।
Cosmetics: Neem oil is used for preparing cosmetics such as soap, neem shampoo, balms and creams as well as toothpaste.
Toothbrush: Traditionally, slender neem branches (called datun has been chewed as a toothbrush and then split as a tongue cleaner[5] in India, Africa, and the Middle East for centuries. Many of India's 80% rural population still start their day with the chewing stick, while in urban areas neem toothpaste is preferred.[6][7]
Cosmetics : Neem is perceived in India as a beauty aid. Powdered leaves are a major component of at least one widely used facial cream. Purified neem oil is also used in nail polish and other cosmetics.
Bird repellent: Neem leaf boiled water can be used as a very cost effective bird repellent measure, especially for sparrow.
Lubricant : Neem oil is non drying and it resists degradation better than most vegetable oils. In rural India, it is commonly used to grease cart wheels.
Fertilizer : Neem has demonstrated considerable potential as a fertilizer.. Ploughed into the soil, it protects plant roots from nematodes and white ants,
Resin : An exudate can be tapped from the trunk by wounding the bark. This high protein material is not a substitute for polysaccharide gum, such as gum arabic. It may however, have a potential as a food additive, and it is widely used in South Asia as "Neem glue".
Bark : Neem bark contains 14% tannin, an amount similar to that in conventional tannin yielding trees (such as Acacia decurrens). Moreover, it yields a strong, coarse fibre commonly woven into ropes in the villages of India.
Honey : In parts of Asia neem honey commands premium prices, and people promote apiculture by planting neem trees.
Soap : India's supply of neem oil is now used mostly by soap manufacturers. Although much of it goes to small scale speciality soaps, large scale producers also use it, mainly because it is cheap. Generally, the crude oil is used to produce coarse laundry soaps.
Native of Chhattisgarh with Neem branches and leaves for Hareli Festival