Stephen Crane

Stephen Crane
Englavaf amerikaf suterotik

Stephen Crane ( 01/11/1871 - 05/06/1900 ), tiyir tan amerikaf suterotik is ezlopik is felusik.


Koe Newark koe deor ke New York, koe New Jersey galdolk koblir.

Inafa yasa tir vey taneaf divlamasik gridubuyus va ketaxo ke Warzafa Tamava, isen tane abdigadikye dere yoltkirafe gu Stephen tiyir tan sugdasik va Dakteks va Volruptesuca.

Tis nazbeik is veynazbeik ke gertik ke Methodist uja, is bocik ke san-balemoy berik, va gadikye drasur viele tir perdaf ise va gadikya ba san-lerdda. Febafa tarkara va alkaf dirgareem is nustuca is lorbura ke rumeugal soe me weyonad da gu folixa va int kalion volson di griiksantuyur aze jovleckeyer.

Jotaf Stephen Crane va vayara dene La Fayette Reila bokar aze dene Syracusa Kotla bak 1891 wanur. Va tilderugal koe Hartwood koe tawaday gitiskir lize yasa va pilkot dem 1500 iray digir. Taneon ranton gales adre kadar godjaf sardik peyaviputius lodam nevabelis. Kot tanizvusik va inyona utifa kiewatca miwad ise va brostasa muxarinda ke stekef suterotik kamadad.

Tane berikye tiyir felusik. Va Stephen gu bokara va bata klepa plataer. Numen in vanpir pomas sutelasik ke New York Tribune fela voxe kadimion ebgar ise koe wadraxo ke widava dositon gu ezlik is lingesik is kotindaf yambik va divulafa sakiura abdualbar, i va volvunafa blira vanbedesa va yona gedrapafa bagala vox dere daskisa va tucopara is aelera. Nuyalon kobar, kotliz blumteson va aykara va teliz. Va pirapaf setikeks ke bane sare di sur. Va Maggie: A Girl of the StreetsMaggie, lana nudikya, 1892 ) taneaf berpot toz suter lize va sanefa blira ke Bowery revava ke New York isu Whitechapel geltrevapon is orikapon dalinger. Lantan va turestara ke Émile Zola wid, i pilkovon va turestara ke Nana berpot isu L'Assommoir. Wori mana turestara tir abiceke tirodafa kiren araya ke Crane tore tir axapafa. Ostik amerikafa tuwaveva tisa « wirinda va geltruca lodam lan enilt » koe saregael ixam ezackar. Vas « rali ke lan jotikeem fikon ralentan gu rabafa diroteva » loeke vadjer, i ke jotikeem djukukategis va karevafa rietava is inaf guazaf alkaf folireem, is va malyopara va selt is rankera va memalyuca.

Piskusik juikeyemb gan Townley berye va nubasuteks vewar. Stephen Crane ikayolton gu Johnstone Smith batdume oyakon gosanegar. Voxen neva zo volgruper numen enekeon vanpitir riaca kadimida Crane di zo kagrupeter.

Nekev rodj ke Maggie, lana nudikya, Stephen Crane ko Mexika wetce feladaalasik zo lajustakser. Levion va suterotikafa naca al webokar, do tulon William Dean Howells is Hamlin Garland. ( Koe Crumbling Idols berpot, Garland va zolonuca ke Crane wetce abduaskisik va warzaf tuwavevaf lizor koe Amerika davon is vonon di kagruper ). Kadimion Philadelphia Press fela va skultana sanegara va nubastuteks ke Crane gorar. To Red Badge of CourageKerafa sugdeya ke takreluca ) tir.

Koe bana neva, Stephen Crane mea grupeyese va geja, va stuva ke lospa dem kuranik vilteyes va Wideytafa Geja pwader. Banugale Amerika lyumar, katrasitison va tanuca drasuyuna bak 1861 viele san-tanoy geef galdolk tis volokaf gisik va levetiruca gu belca dem lentef galdolk pakof gu tunera al soltanad. Viklura va tcumivik is giwara va galda to tiyid mukot ke ervolia diskisa va faltaf tantazukot is staksena gan lenteka ta lureskara va « lukoptaf degrik ». Henry Fleming jotaf barnik va aliuca is sega milafa gu telyona ke savsugalaf gradilik al klokapar nume kobuivenon vilter. Voxen geja vas alaakafa kevaliera ke lekeugal vugeke vektar numen viele inaf siluk ke viltara fu sokir, pune in ve poler. Kas fu grulinular budaf ? Taneafa uzera do volnik va dulzera dear : to volgue. Soe ildunur aze, kev lyestara, va viafa ravera va mivfelilera loleon ksuber, i va debala lize altokafa is lidafa vudera adre vanpir giopura is anawenuca is intotcura kare mana ok mana iyela, numen batcoba vas Kerafa sugdeya ke takreluca tere naavdar. Kira dovoron pufafa ke pimtara askina gan Crane va meld ( koswayan gan Chancellorsville meld bak 1863 ) is abdufisa gildara va gejafa ra is opeluca ke nega is ageltuca ke kota pinta is ayafa adala ke lanyona dizvera askid da bat berpot gu pulotaca ke amerikaf suteroteem zo torigir, ise gu grot gan Joseph Conrad. Va suterotikafa oxila jontikedje di turestar, don Ernest Hemingway is John Steinbeck is Erskine Caldwell.

Kerafa sugdeya ke takreluca dem jontik gabeks tuadrayan gan fela zo sanegar : wori kiewatca tir datafa. Dokotafa piskura arti abic aksat di awir, bak 1895 radimi dimpira ke Crane mal Mexika. Malyopasik va berpot gu Geja is Dili ke Lev Tolstoy ok dere Xidaxe ke Parma ke Stendhal doluned. Tel gelkef megrupenik koe englavaxo vere tukotgrupawer.

Radimi sanegara az taulesa kiewatca ke Kerafa sugdeya ke takreluca, bifa iped numen blira ke Crane betawer. Jotaf suterotik vanpir gejafelusik. Ko Kuba tarlesa va Espana zo stakser. Koyasa tota bopelawer, Crane koe lavok remi bar-sanoy bartiv zavzagir ise va xonuka biwe divvawar. Azon kotinde dun royner, ve valpokakoler ise blafotavozer. Radimi bata zixa, wetce gire gejafelusik kev redjel ke ellasaturkaf redjel bak 1897 zo divtunser.

Ta ropera va galera lamewepessa, Crane va Engla koirubar, koe Brede Place. Banlize tuke belundara va granafi piskusi zubi akenuson blir ise va jontik suterotaf ik yambaf kotgrupik ke London oson moemuder. Ke korikeem tiaskon ginobas, Henry James is Joseph Conrad tid, is dere H. G. Wells is George Bernard Shaw.

Voxen mana ilamotakirafa is kotinde divdomasa blira is altokafa duxara inton mupena va prantuca ke savsaf utiusik tere agvundud. Selaropik va rizafa kotcakola resed. Crane ko Germana ropetenon mallapir voxe ba 05/06/1900 tise anton 28-dafe koe Badenweiler mulufter.

Blison kofiyise va vunda, Stephen Crane va pilkovafa kuvuca wan pojar ise va merotaklena turestara wan ksuber, i suterotik ordon amerikaf gu iyeptasa blira is intaf grabomeem isu miniera. Bata kuvuca isu turestara gan inafa warzapafa dulzara va tan uumap ke bane sare tulon zo ropebud, i va uum goxe ware ref vas geja is linulara ke ayik vaon golikes.


Grabom is sanegaks ke Stephen Crane


  • (1893) Maggie: A Girl of the Streets, New York - Maggie, lana nudikya
  • (1895) The Red Badge of Courage, New York, D. Appleton & Company.
  • (1896) George's Mother, New York, Edward Arnold.
  • (1897) The Third Violet, New York, D. Appleton and Company.
  • (1899) Active Service, New York, Frederick A. Stokes Company.
  • (1903) The O'Ruddy. New York: Frederick A. Stokes Company.
  • (1898) The Open Boat and Other Tales of Adventure, New York, Doubleday & McClure
  • (1899) The Monster and Other Stories, New York, Harper & Brothers Publishers.
  • (1900) Wounds in the Rain: War Stories, New York, Frederick A. Stokes Company.
  • (1895) The Black Riders and Other Lines, Boston, Copeland and Day.
  • (1899) War is Kind, New York, Frederick A. Stokes Company.


  • Franck Bergon, Stephen Crane’s Artistry, New York, Columbia, 1975.
  • Harold Bloom ed., Stephen Crane: Modern Critical Views, New York, Chelsea House, 1987.
  • Michael W. Schaefer, A Reader’s Guide to the Short Stories of Stephen Crane, New York, Hall, 1988.
  • Christopher Benfey, The Double Life of Stephen Crane, New York, Knopf, 1992.
  • Stanley Wertheim, Paul Sorrentino, The Crane Log: A Documentary Life of Stephen Crane, 1871-1900, New York, Hall, 1994.
  • Linda Davis, Badge of Courage: The Life of Stephen Crane, Boston, Houghton, 1998.

Stephen Crane

Stephen Crane

 Koblira  01/11/1871,
 Newark, Tanarasokeem
 Awalkera  05/06/1900,
 Badenweiler, Germana
 Vedeyot  Tanarasokeem
 Ava  Englava
 Suterind  Berpot
  • Maggie: A Girl of the StreetsMaggie, lana nudikya (1893)
  • The Red Badge of Courage – Kerafa sugdeya ke takreluca (1895)
  • The Monster and Other Stories – Rostaza is aryona rupa (1899)
  Tuveli icde Suteroteem