Lijevi centar

Crvena zastava, simbol pokreta ljevice i lijevog centra
Crvena ruža, simbol demokratije i anti-autoritarizma u načinu djelovanja protiv društvenih nepravdi[1][2][3]

Lijevi centar ili umjerena ljevica, u političkoj teoriji, je naziv za poziciju na političkom spektru.

Označava političke ideje, političke stranke i političke pokrete koji po svojim temeljnim programskim određenjima pripadaju političkoj ljevici, ali u svojoj praktičnoj platformi imaju dosta kompromisnih sadržaja što ih približava političkom centru, te ih se zbog toga ne može nazvati političkom ljevicom u klasičnom smislu.

Političke stranke i organizacije koje se smatraju lijevim centrom najčešće nastoje pronaći kompromis između socijalno-odgovornih i pragmatičnih sadržaja u svojim programima. Od njih su najpoznatije stranke, organizacije i pokreti socijaldemokratske orijentacije, koji se najčešće nazivaju lijevim centrom.

Pojam lijevog centra se često koristi i za opis koalicije koju čine stranke ljevice i centra.

Lijevi centar na političkom spektru predstavlja ljevicu okrenutu političkom pragmatizmu.[4][5] Pragmatična politika lijevog centra se usmjerava samo na minimalni program, kojim u okviru ustanova predstavničke, parlamentarne demokratije i tržišne kapitalističke ekonomije nastoji sprovesti djelimičnu promjenu putem aktivne ekonomske uloge javnog sektora, javnih institucija i servisa koji bi trebalo da rade na ublažavanju nepravdi koje nanosi neregulirani, liberalni model kapitalizma.[6][7][8][9][10][11] Praktično ostvarenje takve djelimične promjene u okviru ustanova parlamentarne demokratije i tržišne kapitalističke ekonomije uobičajeno se naziva socijalno odgovornom državom ili državom blagostanja.[8][12][13][14][15] Lijevi centar se smatra umjerenom strujom u suvremenom ljevičarskom pokretu.[16][17][18][19]


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Obilježja lijevog centra:[11][20][21]

Umjerena progresivna stranka u matičnom toku zemlje koja je zasnovana na parlamentarnoj demokratiji i tržišnoj kapitalističkoj ekonomiji, sa glasačkim tijelom kako u nižoj klasi tako i u srednjoj klasi, mogla bi biti opisana kao politička stranka lijevog centra.[22][23] Dok bi stranka sa većim zahtjevima i ciljevima, koja ima glasačko tijelo među onim dijelom malobrojnije, ali svjesnije srednje i niže klase, fizičke i intelektualne, te sa historijom podrške i učešća u emancipacijskim i progresivnim pokretima, mogla biti opisana kao stranka radikalnije, nove ljevice.[24][25][26][27]

Političke stranke lijevog centra, kao i druge suvremene ljevičarske stranke, uobičajeno ističu sljedeće vrijednosti:[28]

  • sloboda — ne samo ljudske slobode, nego i sloboda od diskriminacije, sloboda demokratskog sudjelovanja i sloboda od zavisnosti, ekstremnog siromaštva, straha i zlouporabe političke, ekonomske i druge moći i položaja;
  • jednakost — ne samo pred zakonom, nego i jednake šanse i mogućnosti za sve ljude u raznim oblastima života, bez obzira na identitetske različitosti, uključujući i one osobe sa poteškoćama bilo koje vrste;
  • solidarnost — pokazivanje razumijevanja i saosjećanja prema osobama koje su žrtve nekog oblika diskriminacije, nepravde, neravnopravnosti ili nezgodnog sticaja okolnosti, te osobna spremnost zajedničkog djelovanja sa drugima na pronalaženju načina za umanjivanje i sprječavanje takvih pojava. Ovo načelo podrazumijeva i razvijanje institucionalnih oblika solidarnosti, te internacionalne solidarnosti.
Clement Attlee, umjereni ljevičar i premijer Velike Britanije (1945-1951)
Vili Brant, umjereni ljevičar i kancelar Nemačke (1969-1974)
Ulof Palme, umjereni ljevičar i premijer Švedske (1969-1976 i 1982-1986)
Helen Klark, umjerena ljevičarka i premijerka Novog Zelanda (1999-2008)

Lijevi centar se opire svakom obliku autoritarizma i jednopartizma.[29][30][31][32][33][34][35][36] Stoga, lijevi centar se opire konceptima jednopartijske vladavine takozvanih komunističkih partija 20. stoljeća.[37][38][39]

Popis političkih stranaka lijevog centra i umjerene ljevice

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Popis političara lijevog centra i umjerene ljevice

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  1. ^ "About Our Logo". Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Archives. New York University. Archived from the original on 2017-07-02. Retrieved May 25, 2016.
  2. ^ "Metropolitan. v.38 1913". HathiTrust. p. 63. Retrieved 2019-03-02.
  3. ^ "Most's Meeting". Indianapolis Indiana State Sentinel. September 21, 1887. p. 1 Column 1.
  4. ^ Blaazer, David (2002) [1992]. The Popular Front and the Progressive Tradition: Socialists, Liberals, and the Quest for Unity, 1884–1939. Cambridge University Press. Lijevi centar
  5. ^ Understanding Social Democracy (PDF). What's Left of the Left: Liberalism and Social Democracy in a Globalized World. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies, Harvard University. Pristupljeno 29. 1. 2016.
  6. ^ Notermans, Ton (2000). Money, Markets, and the State: Social Democratic Economic Policies since 1918. Cambridge Studies in Comparative Politics. Cambridge University Press. Lijevi centar
  7. ^ Brandal, Nik; Bratberg, Øivind; Thorsen, Dag Einar (2013). The Nordic Model of Social Democracy. Basingstoke, England: Palgrave Macmillan. Lijevi centar
  8. ^ a b Sejersted, Francis (2011). Adams, Madeleine B., ur. The Age of Social Democracy: Norway and Sweden in the Twentieth Century. Prevod: Daly, Richard. Princeton University Press. Lijevi centar
  9. ^ Berman, Sheri (1998). The Social Democratic Moment: Ideas and Politics in the Making of Interwar Europe. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. Lijevi centar
  10. ^ Aspalter, Christian (2001). Importance of Social Democratic Movements in Welfare Politics: With Special Reference to Germany, Austria and Sweden. Huntington, New York: Nova Science Publishers. Lijevi centar
  11. ^ a b Badie, Bertrand; Berg-Schlosser, Dirk; Morlino, Leonardo, ur. (2011). „Social Democracy”. International Encyclopedia of Political Science. 8. Sage Publications. Lijevi centar
  12. ^ Thorsen, Dag Einar; Brandal, Nik; Bratberg, Øivind (2013). „Utopia Sustained: The Nordic Model of Social Democracy”. London: Fabian Society. Pristupljeno 2. 8. 2016.
  13. ^ Sachs, Jeffrey D. (2006). „The Social Welfare State, beyond Ideology”. Scientific American. sv. 295 br. 5. New York. str. 42. ISSN 0036-8733. Arhivirano iz originala na datum 12. 10. 2007. Pristupljeno 2. 8. 2016.
  14. ^ Upchurch, Martin; Taylor, Graham; Mathers, Andrew (2009). The Crisis of Social Democratic Trade Unionism in Western Europe: The Search for Alternatives. Contemporary Employment Relations. Farnham, England: Ashgate Publishing. Lijevi centar
  15. ^ Fitzpatrick, Tony (2003). After the New Social Democracy: Social Welfare for the Twenty-First Century. Manchester University Press. Lijevi centar
  16. ^ Bardhan, Pranab; Roemer, John E. (1992). „Market Socialism: A Case for Rejuvenation”. Journal of Economic Perspectives. 6 (3): 101—116. ISSN 0895-3309
  17. ^ Britain, Ian (2005) [1982]. Fabianism and Culture: A Study in British Socialism and the Arts, c. 1884–1918. Cambridge University Press. Lijevi centar
  18. ^ Hinnfors, Jonas (2006). Reinterpreting Social Democracy: A History of Stability in the British Labour Party and Swedish Social Democratic Party. Critical Labour Movement Studies. Manchester University Press. Lijevi centar
  19. ^ Janowsky, Oscar Isaiah (1959). Foundations of Israel: Emergence of a Welfare State. Princeton, New Jersey: Van Nostrand.
  20. ^ Meyer, Thomas; Hinchman, Lewis P. (2007). The Theory of Social Democracy. Cambridge, England: Polity Press. Lijevi centar
  21. ^ • Hoefer, Richard (2013). „Social Welfare Policy and Politics”. Colby, Ira C.; Dolmus, Catherine N.; Sowers, Karen M. Connecting Social Welfare Policy to Fields of Practice. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons. Lijevi centar
  22. ^ Jackson, Ben (2008). „Social Democracy”. Durlauf, Steven N.; Blume, Lawrence E. The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics. 7 (2nd edition). Basingstoke, England: Palgrave Macmillan. Lijevi centar
  23. ^ Ishay, Michelle R. (2008) [2005]. The History of Human Rights: From Ancient Times to the Globalization Era. Berkeley: University of California Press. Lijevi centar
  24. ^ Hudson, Kate (2012). The New European Left: A Socialism for the Twenty-First Century?. Basingstoke, England: Palgrave Macmillan. Lijevi centar
  25. ^ Busky, Donald F. (2000). Democratic Socialism: A Global Survey. Westport, Connecticut: Praeger Publishers. Lijevi centar
  26. ^ Harrington, Michael (2011) [1989]. Socialism: Past and Future. New York: Arcade Publishing. Lijevi centar
  27. ^ Schweickart, David (2007). „Democratic Socialism”. Anderson, Gary L.; Herr, Kathryn G. Encyclopedia of Activism and Social Justice. 1. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications. Lijevi centar
  28. ^ Tansey, Stephen D.; Jackson, Nigel (2008). Politics: The Basics. London: Routledge. Lijevi centar
  29. ^ (2006). The Primacy of Politics: Social Democracy and the Making of Europe's Twentieth Century. Cambridge University Press. Lijevi centar
  30. ^ Evans, Bryan; Schmidt, Ingo, ur. (2012). Social Democracy After the Cold War. Edmonton, Alberta: Athabasca University Press. Lijevi centar
  31. ^ Kenworthy, Lane (2014). Social Democratic America. New York: Oxford University Press. Lijevi centar
  32. ^ Cronin, James E.; Ross, George W.; Shoch, James (2011). What's Left of the Left: Democrats and Social Democrats in Challenging Times. Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press. Lijevi centar
  33. ^ Rubinstein, David (2006). The Labour Party and British Society: 1880–2005. Brighton, England: Sussex University Press. Lijevi centar
  34. ^ Corfe, Robert (2010). The Future of Politics: With the Demise of the Left/Right Confrontational System. Bury St Edmunds, England: Arena Books. Lijevi centar
  35. ^ Orlow, Dietrich (2000). Common Destiny: A Comparative History of the Dutch, French, and German Social Democratic Parties, 1945–1969. New York: Berghahn Books. Lijevi centar
  36. ^ Edinger, Lewis Joachim (1956). German Exile Politics: The Social Democratic Executive Committee in the Nazi Era. Berkeley: University of California Press.
  37. ^ Childs, David (2000). The Two Red Flags: European Social Democracy and Soviet Communism since 1945. London: Routledge. Lijevi centar
  38. ^ Bogdanor, Vernon (1985). „The Social Democratic Party and the Alliance”. Ur.: Burch, Martin; Jaenicke, Douglas; Gardner, John. Three Political Systems: A Reader in British, Soviet and American Politics. Manchester University Press. Lijevi centar
  39. ^ Van Oudenaren, John (1991). Détente in Europe: The Soviet Union and the West since 1953. Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press. Lijevi centar
  40. ^ Martti Ahtisaari: a New Kind of President for an Era of Change by Jaakko Iloniemi
  41. ^ "Commission for Racial Equality: Clement Attlee Lecture: Trevor Phillips's speech, 21 April 2005". Arhivirano s originala, 16. 8. 2007. Pristupljeno 15. 5. 2020.
  42. ^ Eduard Bernstein Reference Archive
  43. ^ Rubén Berríos Martínez
  44. ^ "UXL Newsmakers: Rodrigo Borja Cevallos". Arhivirano s originala, 9. 7. 2012. Pristupljeno 9. 7. 2012.
  45. ^ Encyclopædia Britannica: Willy Brandt
  46. ^ Hjalmar Branting: The Nobel Peace Prize 1921
  47. ^ a b c "The Canadian Encyclopedia: Social Democracy". Arhivirano s originala, 29. 11. 2011. Pristupljeno 15. 5. 2020.
  48. ^ "Fernando Henrique Cardoso: Harry Walker Lecturing Agency". Arhivirano s originala, 10. 6. 2007. Pristupljeno 15. 5. 2020.
  49. ^ Government of Sweden: Governments and Prime Ministers since 1900
  50. ^ BBC News: Profile of Helen Clark
  51. ^ The Canadian Encyclopedia: Social Democracy[mrtav link]
  52. ^ "Kemal Derviş: Curriculum Vitae" (PDF). Arhivirano s originala (PDF), 3. 4. 2003. Pristupljeno 3. 4. 2003.
  53. ^ The Federal Authorities of the Swiss Confederation: Ruth Dreifuss
  54. ^ BBC News: Bulent Ecevit: Survivor finally falls
  55. ^ Encyclopædia Britannica: Tag Erlander
  56. ^ "Voice of America News: Gorbachev Says Russia Reversing Democratic Freedoms, US Acting Unilaterally". Arhivirano s originala, 23. 5. 2011. Pristupljeno 23. 5. 2011.
  57. ^ Encyclopædia Britannica: Per Albin Hansson
  58. ^ Eurasia Daily Monitor: Ilves wins Estonia's Presidency
  59. ^ History of the Social Democratic Populist Party (of Turkey)
  60. ^ "Paul Keating: Australian Launch of the International Year for the World's Indigenous People". Arhivirano s originala, 8. 2. 2008. Pristupljeno 15. 5. 2020.
  61. ^ "George Bush (41) Presidential Library and Museum: The Diary of Friedrich Kellner". Arhivirano s originala, 12. 7. 2007. Pristupljeno 15. 5. 2020.
  62. ^ Social Democracy in Neoliberal Times: The Left and Economic Policy Since 1980, Ch. 4, p.80
  63. ^ "Everything for Sale: The Virtues and Limits of Markets". Arhivirano s originala, 13. 7. 2012. Pristupljeno 13. 7. 2012.
  64. ^ Germany: What is Oskar Lafontaine up to?
  65. ^ "New Democratic Party: Jack's Biography". Arhivirano s originala, 6. 5. 2016. Pristupljeno 15. 5. 2020.
  66. ^ Julius Leber: A Biography
  67. ^ Encyclopædia Britannica: Wilhelm Liebknecht
  68. ^ "Mandela is 'greatest political hero'". Arhivirano s originala, 15. 10. 2007. Pristupljeno 15. 5. 2020.
  69. ^ Encyclopædia Britannica: Olaf Palme
  70. ^ Encyclopædia Britannica: Andreas Papandreou
  71. ^ Encyclopædia Britannica: Göran Persson
  72. ^ "The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition: Plekhanov, Georgi Valentinovich". Arhivirano s originala, 4. 2. 2009. Pristupljeno 15. 5. 2020.
  73. ^ Poul Nyrup Rasmussen
  74. ^ The Guardian: Is this the face of France's first Madame la Présidente?
  75. ^ "The Monthly: Howard's Brutopia: What the Prime Minister doesn't want to talk about by Kevin Rudd". Arhivirano s originala, 11. 10. 2008. Pristupljeno 15. 5. 2020.
  76. ^ "The President of the Republic of Estonia: August Rei". Arhivirano s originala, 27. 9. 2007. Pristupljeno 15. 5. 2020.
  77. ^ BBC News: Profile: Manuel Rosales
  78. ^ "Encyclopædia Britannica: Giuseppe Saragat". Arhivirano s originala, 15. 10. 2007. Pristupljeno 15. 5. 2020.
  79. ^ "Prime Ministers of New Zealand: Michael Joseph Savage". Arhivirano s originala, 7. 12. 2002. Pristupljeno 15. 5. 2020.
  80. ^ Encyclopædia Britannica: Throvald Stauning
  81. ^ CBC: A new brand of Canadian social democracy
  82. ^ "José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero: President of the Government and Secretary General of the PSOE (Spanish Socialist Workers' Party)". Arhivirano s originala, 27. 11. 2013. Pristupljeno 15. 5. 2020.


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