↑ 5,05,1Fraser-Brunner A., 1941. Notes on the plectognath fishes.--V. The families of triacanthiform fishes, with a synopsis of the genera and description of a new species. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (Ser. 11) v. 7 (núm. 41). 420-430.
↑Oken L., 1817. V. Kl. Fische. Isis (Oken) v. 8 (núm. 148). 1779-1782 (for 1179-1182 + (1182a)).
↑Tyler, J. C., 1968. A monograph on plectognath fishes of the superfamily Triacanthoidea. Monogr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. Núm. 16: 1-364.