Sir John Desmond Patrick Keegan (1934ko maiatzaren 15a, Clapham, Londres – 2012ko abuztuaren 2a, Kilmington, Wiltshire) britainiar historialari militar, irakasle, idazle eta kazetari bat izan zen. XIV. eta XXI. mendeko gudu eta gerrei buruzko historia, inteligentzia militar eta psikologia liburuak idatzi zituen, idazlan guztietako gerra eta gertakizun historikoak azaltzeko unean logika eta gerlari edo gudari bakoitzearen giza ikuspuntuan oinarrituz.
- Barbarossa: Invasion of Russia, 1941 (New York, 1971) ISBN 0-345-02111-8
- Opening Moves - August 1941 (New York: Ballantine, 1971) ISBN 0-345-09798-X
- The Face of Battle (London, 1976) ISBN 0-670-30432-8
- The Nature Of War with Joseph Darracott (New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1981) ISBN 0-03-057777-2
- Six Armies in Normandy (1982) ISBN 0-14-005293-3
- Zones Of Conflict: An Atlas Of Future Wars with Andrew Wheatcroft (New York, 1986) ISBN 0-671-60115-6
- Soldiers, A History of Men in Battle with Richard Holmes (New York: Viking Press, 1986) ISBN 0-670-80969-1
- The Mask of Command (London, 1987) ISBN 0-7126-6526-9
- The Price of Admiralty (1988) ISBN 0-09-173771-0
- Who Was Who In World War II (1978) ISBN 0-85368-182-1
- The Illustrated Face of Battle (New York and London: Viking, 1988) ISBN 0-670-82703-7
- The Second World War (Viking Press, 1990) ISBN 0-670-82359-7
- A History of Warfare (London, 1993) ISBN 0-679-73082-6
- The Battle for History: Refighting World War Two (Vintage Canada, 1995) ISBN 0-679-76743-6
- Warpaths (Pimlico, 1996) ISBN 1-84413-750-3
- Fields of Battle: The Wars for North America (1997) ISBN 0-679-74664-1
- War and Our World: The Reith Lectures 1998 (London: Pimlico, 1999) ISBN 0-375-70520-1
- The Book of War (ed.) (Viking Press, 1999) ISBN 0-670-88804-4
- The First World War (London: Hutchinson, 1998) ISBN 0-09-180178-8; (New York: Knopf, 1999) ISBN 0-375-40052-4
- Winston Churchill (2002) ISBN 0-670-03079-1
- Intelligence in War: Knowledge of the Enemy from Napoleon to Al-Qaeda (2003) ISBN 0-375-40053-2
- The Iraq War (2004) ISBN 0-09-180018-8
- Atlas of World War II (ed.) (London: Collins, 2006) ISBN 0-00-721465-0 (an update of the 1989 Times Atlas)
- The American Civil War (London, Hutchinson, 2009) ISBN 978-0-09-179483-5