Michele Greene | |
![]() | |
Bizitza | |
Jaiotza | Las Vegas, 1962ko otsailaren 3a (63 urte) |
Herrialdea | ![]() |
Lehen hizkuntza | ingelesa |
Hezkuntza | |
Heziketa | Hegoaldeko Kaliforniako Unibertsitatea Fairfax High School (en) ![]() |
Hizkuntzak | ingelesa |
Jarduerak | |
Jarduerak | aktorea, telebista-aktorea eta zinema aktorea |
michelegreene.com | |
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Michele Dominguez Greene (Las Vegas, Nevada, AEB, 1962ko otsailaren 3a)[1] estatubatuar aktorea, abeslaria eta konpositorea da, L.A. Law telesailean Abigail «Abby» Perkins abokatuaren rolarekin egin zen ezaguna 1986 eta 1991 artean. Pertsonaia bera interpretatu zuen 2002an telebistako L.A. Law: The Movie filmerako.[2][3]
Greenek interpretaziorako interesa agertu zuen, bere bigarren hezkuntzako eskolan antzerki-eskola batera joan ostean. Eskola horretara joana zen, bere herabetasun-arazoak gainditzeko asmoz. Hegoaldeko Kaliforniako Unibertsitatean entzunaldi bat egin zuen, eta beka bat lortu zuen Arte Ederretan batxilergoa egiteko. Urte horietan hasi zen telebistan lanean, eta telebistako hainbat panel eta filmetan agertu zen.[4]
Bi CD elebidun grabatu ditu, Ojo de Tiburón eta Luna Roja.
Gazteei zuzendutako bi eleberri ere idatzi ditu: Chasing the Jaguar: A Martika Galvez Mystery eta Keep Sweet.[5]
Besteak beste, lan hauexetan hartu du parte:[6][7][8]
Urtea | Izenburua | Papera | Oharrak |
1981 | The Dark End of the Street | Marlene | |
The Dozens | Michelle | ||
1988 | Going to the Chapel | Margo | |
1994 | The Unborn II | Catherine Moore | |
Stranger by Night | Lisa | (Bideoa) (Bere burua) | |
1996 | Daddy's Girl | Barbara Mitchell | |
1997 | Her Married Lover | Brenda Slagel | |
Stranger in the House | Joanna Winters | ||
1999 | Fugitive Mind | Robyn | (Bideoa) |
2000 | Alcatraz Avenue | Lisa | |
2001 | Family Affair | Reggie Abravanel | |
2002 | Death determinazioa | Katie Williams | |
2003 | Give or Take an Inch | Meg | Film laburra |
A Woman Hunted | Gloria Parker | ||
2005 | The Legend of Lucy Keyes | Sheila Travers |
Urtea | Izenburua | Papera | Oharrak |
1979 | Dorothy (telesaila) | Margo | |
1980 | Eight is enough (telesaila) | Jill | "The Commitment" atala (4.18) |
Eight is enough | Jill | "Roll Over Bradford" atala (4.25) | |
Eight is enough | Jill | "A Little Triangle" atala (4.26) | |
Eight is enough | Jill | "Finally Grad Night" atala (4.27) | |
1981 | Eight is enough | Jill | "The Way We Were" atala (5.14) |
The Miracle of Kathy Miller (telefilma) | Sherrie | ||
1982 | Desperate Lives (telefilma) | Julie Jordan | |
1983 | Andrea's Story: Hitchhiking Tragedy (telefilma) | Andrea Cranston | |
Bay City Blues (telesaila) | Judy Nuckles (1983) | ||
1984 | Highway to Heaven (telesaila) | Sara Higgins (1984) | "Song of the Wild West" (1.5) |
1985 | Simon & Simon (telesaila) | Lisa Brooks | "Mummy Talks" atala (4.20) |
Seduced (tb) | Thunder Thighs | ||
The Best Times (telesaila) | Stacey Emery | "The Narc" (1.3) | |
1986 | American Playhouse (telesaila) | Kevinen laguna (Michelle Greene bezala) | "The Little Sister" atala (5.9) |
Perry Mason: The Case of the Notorious Nun (telefilma) | Margaret ahizpa | ||
1987 | The 13th Annual People's Choice Awards (tb) | Ella mismo - Accepting Award for Favourite New Television Drama Program | |
Matlock (telesaila) | Laura Gordon | "The Billionaire" (2.1) | |
1988 | The 14th Annual People's Choice Awards (tb) | Herself - Accepting Award for Favourite Television Drama Program | |
Going to the Chapel | Margo | ||
Double Standard (telefilm) | Virginia | ||
1989 | The Pat Sajak Show (telesaila) | Bera | Gertakaria (1.6) |
The 15th Annual People's Choice Awards (tb | Ella mismo - Accepting Award for Favourite Television Drama Program | ||
The 41st Annual Primetime Emmy Awards (tb) | Herself - Nominee: Best Supporting Actress in a Drama Series | ||
1990 | The 16th Annual People's Choice Awards (tb | Herself - Accepting Award for Favourite Television Dramatic Series | |
In the Best Interest of the Child (telefilma) | Nora | ||
The 42nd Annual Primetime Emmy Awards (tb) | Audience Member | ||
Nightmare on the 13th Floor | Elaine Kalisher | ||
Cop Rock (telesaila) | Abby Perkins (Egiaztatu gabea) | "Potts Don't Fail Me Now" (1990) | |
To My Daughter (telefilma) | Julie Carlston | ||
1986-1991 | L.A. Law (telebistako seriea) | Abby Perkins | 1etik 5erako denboraldiak |
1991 | The 17th Annual People's Choice Awards (tb) | Herself - Accepting Award for Favourite Television Dramatic Series | |
25th Annual Country Music Association Awards (tb) | Herselfa | ||
Posing: Inspired by Three Real Stories (telefilma) | Janet Janeway | ||
1992 | Jack's Place (telesaila) | Suzanne | "Everything Old Is New Again" atala (1.4) |
1993 | Silent Victim (telefilma) | Bonnie Jackson | |
Moment of Truth: A Child Too Many (telefilm) | Patty Nowakowski | ||
Picket Fences (telesaila) | Patty Henley | "Duty Free Rome" atala (2.2) | |
1994 | Heart of a Child (tb) | Karen Schouten | |
How the West Was Fun (telefilma) | Laura Forester | ||
1996 | She Woke Up Pregnant (telefilma) | Connie Loftis | |
1997 | Badge of Betrayal (telefilma) | Annie Walker | |
The Outer Limits (telesaila) | Joan Garrison | "The Awakening" atala (3.10) | |
Lost Treasure of Dos Santos (telefilm) | Willa | ||
Stranger in the House | Joanna Winters | ||
Diagnosis Murder (telesaila) | Rachel Woodrall | "Must Kill TV" atala (5.9) | |
1998 | Captive (telefilma) | Lily Hunter | |
1999 | Twice in a Lifetime (telesaila) | Jenny Parnell / Dra. Karen Lantz | "The Gift of Life" atala (1.14) |
2000 | Stargate SG-1 (telesaila) | Laira | "A Hundred Days" atala (3.17) |
Entertainment Tonight Presents: L.A. Law - Secrets of the Firm (telefilma) | Bera | ||
Wild Grizzly (telefilma) | Rachel Harding | ||
2001 | Diagnosis Murder (telesaila) | Carrie Langford Adams | "Sins of the Father" (8.12) |
Diagnosia Murder | Carrie Langford Adams | "Sins of the Father: Part 2" (8.13) | |
The Perfect Wife (telefilma) | Felicia Laurel | ||
Lightning: Fire from the Sky (telefilm) | Barbara Dobbs | ||
2002 | Redeemer (telefilm) | Sharon Davidson | |
JAG (telesaila) | Sara Coffey teniente koronela | "Head to Toe" atala (7.15) | |
NBC 75th Anniversary Special (tb) | Herselfa | ||
Weakest Link (telesaila) | Herselfa | "L.A. Law Edition" atala | |
L.A. Law: The Movie (telefilma) | Abby Perkins | ||
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (telesaila) | Jan Branson | "Blood Lust" atala (3.9) | |
TV's Most Censored Moments | Bera | ||
2003 | Miracles (telesaila) | Travisen izeba | "The Bone Scatterer" (1.5) |
Killer Flood: The Day the Dam Broke (telefilm) | Natalie Powell | ||
Strong Medicine (telesaila) | Pam Sherr | "Rash Decisions" gertakaria (4.4) | |
2004 | Judging Amy (telesaila) | Beth Benfield | "Christenings" atala (5.11) |
Crossing Jordan (telesaila) | Pam Oakley | "Missing Pieces" atala (3.7) | |
Threat Matrix (telesaila) | Anne Colt | "19 Seconds" atala (1.15) | |
2005 | Six Feet Under (telesaila) | Fraker doktorea | "Ecotone" atala (5.9) |
Nip/Tuck (telesaila) | Illana Manning | "Hannah Tedesco" (3.9) atala | |
2006 | The Unit (telesaila) | Cynthia Burdett | "True Believers" (1.4) |
The Unit | Cynthia Burdett | "The Wall" atala (1.13) | |
The Unit | Cynthia Burdett | "Extreme Rendition" atala (2.2) | |
The Unit (telesaila) | Cynthia Burdett | "Force Majeure" atala (2.5) | |
2007 | McBride: Dogged (telefilm) | Judy Murray | |
Cold Case (telesaila) | Tessie Bartram '07 | "Justice" atala (5.10) | |
2008 | Bones (telesaila) | Amanda O'Rourke | "The Man in the Outhouse" (4.2) |
2009 | Brothers & Sisters (telesaila) | Governor Eve Kern | "Troubled Waters: Part 1" (3.16) |
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (telesaila) | Sue Schiff | "The Gone Dead Train" atala (9.22) | |
Brothers & Sisters (telesaila) | Governor Eve Kern | "Breaking the News" atala (4.2) | |
Three Rivers (telesaila) | Judge Glynn | "Nevada v. Donnie the Numbers Guy" atala (1.10) | |
2010 | Big Love (telesaila) | Sheila Jackson White erreportaria | "The Greater Good" atala (4.2) |
Big Love (telesaila) | Sheila Jackson White erreportaria | "The Mighty and Strong" atala (4.4) | |
Big Love (telesaila) | Reporter Sheila Jackson White | "Sins of the Father" atala (4.5) | |
2011 | The Defenders (telesaila) | Glynn epailea | "Nevada v. Donnie the Numbers Guy" atala (1.13) |
CSI: Miami (telesaila) | Connie Faber | "A Few Dead Men" atala (10.9) |
Urtea | Albumaren izenburua | Argitaratzailea |
2002 | Ojo De Tiburón | Appleseed Recordings |
2006 | Luna Roja | Appleseed Recordings |
Uzkia | Eleberria | Editorea | Oharrak |
2006 | Chasing the Jaguar | Rayo HarperCollins | azal gogorra / poltsiko-liburua |
2010 | Keep Sweet | Simon & Shuster | sakelako liburu |
Urtea | Saria | Kategoria | Ekoizpena | Emaitza |
1989 | Primetime Emmy | Bigarren Mailako Emakumezko Aktore Onena Serie Dramatiko batean | L.A. Law | Izendatua |