'S e dealbh-chluich Spàinntis mu urram, ceartas agus monarcachd on Aois an Òir air a sgrìobhadh le Lope de Vega 's th' ann am Fuenteovejuna.[1] Chaidh fhoillseachadh ann am Madrid uaireigin eadar 1612 agus 1614.[2] Suidhichte ann am baile beag ann an Córdoba air a bheil Fuente Obejuna (Gàidhlig: Tobar nan Caorach), 's e sgeulachd mu thachartas a thachair an sin ann an 1476, nuair dh'èirich daoine na sgìre suas an aghaidh droch Thighearna 's a th'ann am Fuenteovejuna.[3]
Achd 1 |
Cruth meatrach |
Achd 2 |
Cruth meatrach |
Achd 3 |
Cruth meatrach
1-68 |
redondillas |
860-938 |
ochdach rìoghail |
1652-1711 |
69-140 |
romansa (a-o) |
939-1102 |
redondillas |
1712-1847 |
romansa (o-e)
141-172 |
redondillas |
1103-1136 |
romansa (e-a) |
1848-1919 |
ochdach rìoghail
172-456 |
redondillas |
1137-1276 |
redondillas |
1920-1947 |
457-528 |
romansa (e-e) |
1277-1448 |
redondillas |
1948-2027 |
romansa (e-e)
529-544 |
romansa beag (o-e) |
1449-1471 |
lidean aon deug |
2028-2030 |
coplilla de sèist (aaa)
545-578 |
tritheamh is ceathramh |
1472-1474 |
coplilla de sèist (aaa) |
2031-2034 |
579-590 |
redondillas |
1475-1502 |
redondillas |
2035-2042 |
copla/sèist (bccbbaa/aaa)
591-594 |
romansa beag (o-e) |
1503-1509 |
copla/sèist (bccbba/aaa) |
2043-2046 |
595-634 |
redondillas |
1510-1545 |
redondillas |
2047-2056 |
copla/sèist (bccbbaa/aaa)
635-654 |
redondillas |
1546-1569 |
romansa/seguidilla na sèiste(a-a) |
2057-2060 |
655-698 |
romansa (e-o) |
1570-1651 |
romansa (a-e) |
2061-2068 |
copla/sèist (bccbbaa/aaa)
699-722 |
redondillas |
- |
- |
2069-2124 |
723-859 |
romansa (o-o) |
- |
- |
2125-2160 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
2161-2174 |
sonaid (abba/abba/cde/cde)
- |
- |
- |
- |
2175-2289 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
2290-2453 |
- ↑ Aub, Max (1966). Manual de historia de la literatura española. Madrid, Akal Editor, ISBN 847339030-X.
- ↑ Edwards, Gwynne, Lope de Vega, Three Major Plays (with The Knight of Olmedo and Punishment without Revenge), Àth nan Damh, Oxford University Press, 1999.
- ↑ Fuenteovejuna. La violencia antiseñorial en el siglo XV. Emilio Cabrera agus Andrés Moros, Crítica, 1991.