Aharon Dolgopolsky (en hebreo אהרון דולגופולסקי, en cirílico Арон Борисович Долгопольский), nado en Moscova en 1930 e finado en Haifa o 20 de xullo de 2012, dunha familia de orixe hebrea, foi un lingüista especializado en lingüística comparada e un dos modernos fundadores da nostratística.[1][2]
Topou coa teoría nostrática, había tempo esquecida, entre 1960 e 1970, case ó mesmo tempo que Vladislav Illich-Svitych, se ben cada un o fixo polo seu lado. Con este, foi o primeiro en emprender unha comparación multilateral das linguas fillas do nostrático.
Tras ensinar nostrático na Universidade de Moscova durante oito anos, Dolgopolsky marchou a Israel en 1976, e traballou na Universidade de Haifa.
- 1964 A Long-Range Comparison of Some Languages of Northern Eurasia. Nauka, Moscova.
- 1984 On Personal Pronouns in the Nostratic Languages. Braunmüller, Viena.
- 1986 A Probabilistic Hypothesis Concerning the Oldest Relationships among the Language Families in Northern Eurasia. Karoma, Ann Arbor (Mich).
- 1987 Cultural Contact of Proto-Indo-European and Proto-Indo-Iranian with Neighbouring Languages. Folia Linguista Historica.
- 1988 The Indo-European Homeland and Lexical Contacts of Proto-Indo-European with Other Languages. Mediterranean Language Review.
- 1989 Problems of Nostratic Comparative Phonology. Brockmeyer, Bochum.
- 1992 The Nostratic Vowels in Indo-European. Brockmeyer, Bochum. (en ruso xa en 1976.)
- 1998 The Nostratic Macrofamily and Linguistic Palaeontology. McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, Oxford - Oakville 1998.
- Merritt Ruhlen: On the Origin of Languages. Studies in Linguistic Taxonomy. Stanford University Press 1994.
- Merritt Ruhlen: The Origin of Language. Tracing the Evolution of the Mother Tongue. John Wiley, Nova York 1996.
- Merrit Ruhlen: A Guide to the World's Languages. Arnold, Nova York - Melbourne - Auckland 1991.
- Sydney M. Lamb e E. Douglas Mitchell (Hrsg.): Sprung from Some Common Source. Investigations into the Prehistory of Languages. Stanford University Press, Stanford (Calif.) 1991.
- Vitaly Shevoroshkin: Reconstructing Languages and Cultures. Abstracts and Materials from the First International Interdisciplinary Symposium on Language and Prehistory. Brockmeyer, Bochum 1989.
- Joseph Greenberg: Indo-European and Its Closest Relatives: The Eurasiatic Language Family, Volume 1, Grammar. Stanford University Press 2000.
- Joseph Greenberg: Indo-European and Its Closest Relatives: The Eurasiatic Language Family, Volume 2, Lexicon. Stanford University Press 2000.