Danny Peary, nado en 1949, é un crítico de cine estadounidense e escritor de deportes. Escribiu e editou moitos libros en cinema e temas relacionados co deporte.
- How to Buy, Trade and Invest in Baseball Cards & Collectibles (1989), con Bruce Chadwick
- Tim McCarver's Baseball for Brain Surgeons and other Fans (1998), con Tim McCarver
- The Perfect Season (1999), con Tim McCarver
- Raising a Team Player (2002), con Harry Sheehy
- 1,001 Reasons to Love Baseball (2003), con Mary Tiegreen
- Baseball Forever: Reflections on Sixty Years in the Game (2004), con Ralph Kiner
- Roger Maris: Baseball's Reluctant Hero (2010), con Tom Clavin
- Gil Hodges: The Brooklyn Bums, the Miracle Mets and the Extraordinary Life of a Baseball Legend (2012), con Tom Clavin
- It's Not About Perfect: Competing for My Country and Fighting for My Life" (2015), con Shannon Miller
- Ali on Ali: Why He Said What He Said When He Said It" (2018), con Hana Ali
- Close-Ups: The Movie Star Book (1978)
- Omni's Screen Flights/Screen Fantasies: The Future According to Science Fiction Cinema (1984)
- Cult Baseball Players: The Greats, the Flakes, the Weird and the Wonderful (1990)
- We Played the Game: 65 Players Remember Baseball's Greatest Era, 1947-1964 (1994)
- Super Bowl: The Game of Their Lives (1997)
- "'Baseball Immortal: Derek Jeter: A Career in Quotes" (2015)
- "'Jackie Robinson in Quotes: The Remarkable Life of Baseball's Most Significant Player" (2016)
- The American Animated Cartoon: A Critical Anthology (1980), con Gerald Peary
- Great Golf: 150 Years of Essential Instruction from the Best Players, Teachers, and Writers of All Time (2005), con Allen Richardson
- Tim McCarver's Diamond Gems (2008), con Tim McCarver e Jim Moskovitz