Hidangan Hawaii

Hidangan Hawaii
Sejumlah hidangan Hawaiian modern. Dari kiri atas, searah jarum jam: rebusan babat (ʻōpū kū), rice (laiki), ʻopihi poke, laulau, squid lūʻau, iga pipikaula, kālua puaʻa (babi kālua), dan poi di tengah.
Country or regionHawaii
Hidangan nasionalSaimin
Minuman nasionalMai tai

Hidangan Hawaii menggabungkan lima gaya makanan yang berbeda, yang mencerminkan beragamnya sejarah makanan dari pemukiman dan imigrasi di Kepulauan Hawaii.[a]

a. ^ Food historian Rachel Laudan (1996) on four distinct types of food plus a new, fifth type known as "Hawaiian Regional Cuisine" (HRC) that began in 1992. Because HRC was so new at the time of Laudan's book, she only briefly touches upon it: "I came to understand that what people in Hawaii eat is a mixture of four distinct kinds of food, introduced at distinct periods, but now all coexisting. The first three reflect the three diasporas that have terminated in Hawaii: the great marine diaspora of the Pacific Islanders that probably reached the Hawaiian Islands sometime in the third century A.D..; the European voyages of discovery that finally came upon the Islands in the late eighteenth century; and the long migration of the Chinese, Japanese, Portuguese, Koreans, Filipinos, and lately, Southeast Asians, most of whom came to work on the plantations. From these diverse traditions, a fourth, an East-West-Pacific food, is now being created, known in the Islands as Local Food.[1] [...] But there is another cuisine in the Islands that attracts attention, Hawaii Regional Cuisine...[it] was created by forces quite different from those that drive Local Food...although the forces creating Hawaii Regional Cuisine and Local Food were different, their current cross-fertilization can be nothing but mutually beneficial, creating a firm regional base for the cuisine of the restaurants and increasing sophistication for the cuisine of the home and the street."[2]


[sunting | sunting sumber]
  1. ^ Laudan 1996, hlm. 3.
  2. ^ Laudan 1996, hlm. 7–8.

Pranala luar

[sunting | sunting sumber]