One Froggy Evening adalah sebuah film pendek animasi Technicolor berjangka sekitar tujuh menit yang ditulis oleh Michael Maltese dan disutradarai oleh Chuck Jones, dengan pengarahan musikal dari Milt Franklyn. Film pendek tersebut, yang sebagian terinspirasi dari sebuah film tahun 1944 karya Cary Grant berjudul Once Upon a Time melibatkan seekor ulat menari di sebuah kotak kecil, menandai debut dari Michigan J. Frog. Film pendek populer tersebut berisi serangkaian besar hiburan musikal, dengan lagu-lagu dari "Hello! Ma Baby" dan "I'm Just Wild About Harry", dua karya klasik Tin Pan Alley, sampai "Largo al Factotum", sebuah pementasan Figaro dari opera Il Barbiere di Siviglia. Film pendek tersebut dirilis pada 31 Desember 1955 sebagai bagian dari serial kartun Warner Bros. Merrie Melodies.
Film pendek |
- The Night Watchman (1938)
- Dog Gone Modern (1939)
- Robin Hood Makes Good (1939)
- Prest-O Change-O (1939)
- Daffy Duck and the Dinosaur (1939)
- Naughty but Mice (1939)
- Old Glory (1939)
- Snowman's Land (1939)
- Little Brother Rat (1939)
- The Little Lion Hunter (1939)
- The Good Egg (1939)
- Sniffles and the Bookworm (1939)
- The Curious Puppy (1939)
- Mighty Hunters (1940)
- Elmer's Candid Camera (1940)
- Sniffles Takes a Trip (1940)
- Tom Thumb in Trouble (1940)
- The Egg Collector (1940)
- Ghost Wanted (1940)
- Stage Fright (1940)
- Good Night, Elmer (1940)
- Bedtime for Sniffles (1940)
- Elmer's Pet Rabbit (1941)
- Sniffles Bells the Cat (1941)
- Joe Glow, the Firefly (1941)
- Porky's Ant (1941)
- Toy Trouble (1941)
- Porky's Prize Pony (1941)
- Inki and the Lion (1941)
- Snow Time for Comedy (1941)
- The Brave Little Bat (1941)
- Saddle Silly (1941)
- Porky's Midnight Matinee (1941)
- The Bird Came C.O.D. (1942)
- Porky's Cafe (1942)
- Conrad the Sailor (1942)
- Dog Tired (1942)
- The Draft Horse (1942)
- Hold the Lion, Please (1942)
- The Squawkin' Hawk (1942)
- Fox Pop (1942)
- The Dover Boys (1942)
- My Favorite Duck (1942)
- Case of the Missing Hare (1942)
- Point Rationing of Foods (1943)
- To Duck or Not to Duck (1943)
- Flop Goes the Weasel (1943)
- Super-Rabbit (1943)
- The Unbearable Bear (1943)
- The Aristo-Cat (1943)
- Coming Snafu (1943)
- Wackiki Wabbit (1943)
- Spies (1943)
- The Infantry Blues (1943)
- Fin'n Catty (1943)
- Inki and the Minah Bird (1943)
- Tom Turk and Daffy (1944)
- Bugs Bunny and the 3 Bears (1944)
- Private Snafu vs. Malaria Mike (1944)
- The Weakly Reporter (1944)
- A Lecture on Camouflage (1944)
- Going Home (1944, tak dirilis)
- Gas (1944)
- Angel Puss (1944)
- Outpost (1944)
- From Hand to Mouse (1944)
- Lost and Foundling (1944)
- Hell-Bent for Election (1944)
- Odor-able Kitty (1945)
- In the Aleutians – Isles of Enchantment (1945)
- Trap Happy Porky (1945)
- It's Murder She Says (1945)
- Hare Conditioned (1945)
- Fresh Airedale (1945)
- No Buddy Atoll (1945)
- Hare Tonic (1945)
- Secrets of the Caribbean (1945)
- Quentin Quail (1946)
- Hush My Mouse (1946)
- Hair-Raising Hare (1946)
- Fair and Worm-er (1946)
- Roughly Squeaking (1946)
- Scent-imental Over You (1947)
- Inki at the Circus (1947)
- A Pest in the House (1947)
- Little Orphan Airedale (1947)
- House Hunting Mice (1948)
- A Feather in His Hare (1948)
- What's Brewin', Bruin? (1948)
- Rabbit Punch (1948)
- Haredevil Hare (1948)
- You Were Never Duckier (1948)
- Daffy Dilly (1948)
- My Bunny Lies over the Sea (1948)
- Scaredy Cat (1948)
- So Much for So Little (1949)
- Awful Orphan (1949)
- Mississippi Hare (1949)
- Mouse Wreckers (1949)
- The Bee-Deviled Bruin (1949)
- Long-Haired Hare (1949)
- Often an Orphan (1949)
- Fast and Furry-ous (1949)
- Frigid Hare (1949)
- For Scent-imental Reasons (1949)
- Bear Feat (1949)
- Rabbit Hood (1949)
- The Scarlet Pumpernickel (1950)
- The Ducksters (1950)
- Dog Gone South (1950)
- 8 Ball Bunny (1950)
- The Hypo-Chondri-Cat (1950)
- Homeless Hare (1950)
- Caveman Inki (1950)
- Rabbit of Seville (1950)
- Two's A Crowd (1950)
- Bunny Hugged (1951)
- Scentimental Romeo (1951)
- A Hound for Trouble (1951)
- Rabbit Fire (1951)
- Chow Hound (1951)
- The Wearing of the Grin (1951)
- Cheese Chasers (1951)
- A Bear for Punishment (1951)
- Drip-Along Daffy (1951)
- Operation: Rabbit (1952)
- Feed the Kitty (1952)
- Little Beau Pepé (1952)
- Water, Water Every Hare (1952)
- Orange Blossoms for Violet (1952)
- Beep, Beep (1952)
- The Hasty Hare (1952)
- Going! Going! Gosh! (1952)
- Mouse Warming (1952)
- Rabbit Seasoning (1952)
- Terrier Stricken (1952)
- Don't Give Up the Sheep (1953)
- Forward March Hare (1953)
- Kiss Me Cat (1953)
- Duck Amuck (1953)
- Much Ado About Nutting (1953)
- Wild Over You (1953)
- Duck Dodgers in the 24½th Century (1953)
- Bully for Bugs (1953)
- Zipping Along (1953)
- Lumber Jack-Rabbit (1953)
- Duck! Rabbit, Duck! (1953)
- Punch Trunk (1953)
- Feline Frame-Up (1954)
- No Barking (1954)
- The Cat's Bah (1954)
- Claws for Alarm (1954)
- Bewitched Bunny (1954)
- Stop! Look! And Hasten! (1954)
- From A to Z-Z-Z-Z (1954)
- My Little Duckaroo (1954)
- Sheep Ahoy (1954)
- Baby Buggy Bunny (1954)
- Beanstalk Bunny (1955)
- Ready, Set, Zoom! (1955)
- Past Perfumance (1955)
- Rabbit Rampage (1955)
- Double or Mutton (1955)
- Jumpin' Jupiter (1955)
- Knight-mare Hare (1955)
- Two Scent's Worth (1955)
- Guided Muscle (1955)
- One Froggy Evening (1955)
- A Hitch in Time (1955)
- 90 Days Wondering (1956)
- Bugs' Bonnets (1956)
- Broom-Stick Bunny (1956)
- Rocket Squad (1956)
- Heaven Scent (1956)
- Gee Whiz-z-z-z-z-z-z (1956)
- Barbary Coast Bunny (1956)
- Rocket-bye Baby (1956)
- Deduce, You Say! (1956)
- There They Go-Go-Go! (1956)
- To Hare Is Human (1956)
- Scrambled Aches (1957)
- Ali Baba Bunny (1957)
- Go Fly a Kit (1957)
- Boyhood Daze (1957)
- Steal Wool (1957)
- What's Opera, Doc? (1957)
- Zoom and Bored (1957)
- Touché and Go (1957)
- Drafty, Isn't It? (1957)
- Robin Hood Daffy (1958)
- Hare-Way to the Stars (1958)
- Whoa, Be-Gone! (1958)
- To Itch His Own (1958)
- Hook, Line and Stinker (1958)
- Hip Hip-Hurry! (1958)
- Cat Feud (1958)
- Baton Bunny (1959)
- Hot-Rod and Reel! (1959)
- Wild About Hurry (1959)
- Fastest with the Mostest (1960)
- Hopalong Casualty (1960)
- Who Scent You? (1960)
- Rabbit's Feat (1960)
- Ready, Woolen and Able (1960)
- High Note (1960)
- Zip 'N Snort (1961)
- The Mouse on 57th Street (1961)
- The Abominable Snow Rabbit (1961)
- Lickety-Splat (1961)
- A Scent of the Matterhorn (1961)
- Compressed Hare (1961)
- Beep Prepared (1961)
- Nelly's Folly (1961)
- A Sheep in the Deep (1962)
- Zoom at the Top (1962)
- Louvre Come Back to Me! (1962)
- Martian Through Georgia (1962)
- I Was a Teenage Thumb (1963)
- Now Hear This (1963)
- Hare-Breadth Hurry (1963)
- Mad as a Mars Hare (1963)
- Transylvania 6-5000 (1963)
- To Beep or Not to Beep (1963)
- Tom and Jerry (cartoon shorts, 1963–1967)
- War and Pieces (1964)
- The Dot and the Line (1965)
- The Bear That Wasn't (1967)
- Man: The Polluter (1973)
- Chariots of Fur (1994)
- Another Froggy Evening (1995)
- Superior Duck (1996)
- Pullet Surprise (1997)
- From Hare to Eternity (1997)
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