Yoon Ji-on (lahir 19 Mei 1990) adalah aktor dan model asal Korea Selatan.[1] Ia paling dikenal untuk perannya dalam drama seperti Memorist, Monthly Magazine Home, Be Melodramatic dan You Are My Spring.[2]
Ia lahir pada tanggal 18 Mei 1990 di Incheon.[3] Ia menempuh pendidikan di Universitas Kyonggi University dan kemudian lulus dari jurusan seni peran.[4] Pada tahun 2016 ia memulai debutnya sebagai aktor.[5] Setelah debutnya sebagai aktor, ia tampil dalam sejumlah drama dan film seperti Monthly Magazine Home, You Are My Spring dan Memorist.[6] He appeared in films including Along with the Gods: The Two Worlds, Okay! Madam and Jo Pil-ho: The Dawning Rage.[7]
- ^ "'월간 집' 윤지온 "긴 시간 촬영하며 정 많이 들어, 아쉽다" 종영소감". Newsen. January 1, 2021.
- ^ "윤지온, '월간 집' 종영 소감 "정들었는데 많이 아쉽다"". MBC Entertainment. January 11, 2021.
- ^ "윤지온 '멜로가 체' 종영 소감 "많은 것 배우며 한단계 성장"". Newsen. May 18, 2021.
- ^ "윤지온, 열혈형사사랑둥이로맨틱 남친…2021년 최고의 신스틸러". Osen. January 5, 2021.
- ^ "윤지온, "나만의 온도 유지하며 연기하고파"[화보]". Enews24. August 10, 2021. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2021-08-15. Diakses tanggal 2021-08-24.
- ^ "'너나봄' 윤지온, '성장캐' 박호의 역사…막내 형사 3단 성장 모먼트". Osen. April 5, 2021.
- ^ "윤지온, '너는 나의 봄' 형사 합류…"힐링+감동 위해 최선 다할 것"". News1. August 7, 2021.
- ^ "멜로가 체질 측 "윤지온, 오승윤 후임으로 출연 확정(공식입장)". Newsen. August 1, 2021.
- ^ "[인터뷰] "밝은 성격유승호진짜 로맨스"..윤지온이 '메모리스트'로 얻은 것". Sports Chosun. August 14, 2021.
- ^ "엄정화의 년 만 스크린 컴백작, 영화 '오케이 마담'". X Sports News. August 18, 2021.
- ^ "윤지온, 선악 공존 캐릭터 '엑스' 완벽 동화..해사한 미소날카로운 눈빛". Osen. August 26, 2021.
- ^ "'너나봄' 서현진, 과거 기억 찾던 윤박에 목 졸려김동욱과는 설렘 지수" ['You're Spring' Seo Hyun-jin, strangled by Yoon Park who was looking for past memories, fluttering with Kim Dong-wook Jisoo]. The Korea Herald. February 5, 2021.
- ^ "[팩트체크] 배우 윤지온 측, "드라마 '멜로가 체질' 합류 확정"…'음주운전 방조 혐의' 오승윤 대체" [[Fact Check] Actor Yoon Ji-on's side, "Confirmed to join the drama 'Melo is constitution'"... 'Drunk driving aiding' Oh Seung-yoon replaced]. Top Star News. February 11, 2021.
- ^ "[공식] 윤지온, '멜로가 체질' 오승윤 후임 확정, 스케줄 조율중" [[Official] Ji-on Yoon, 'Melodramatic constitution' Oh Seung-yoon successor confirmed, schedule is being adjusted]. MBC Entertainment. February 17, 2021.
- ^ "동백져스' 출격"..'메모리스트' 유승호X고창석X윤지온의 신박 유쾌한 브로케미" [‘The Camellia Judges’ scramble”.. ‘Memorist’ Yoo Seung-ho X Ko Chang-seok X Yoon Ji-on’s new and delightful brochemy]. The Korea Herald. February 24, 2021.
- ^ "윤지온, 음주운전 방조 오승윤 자리 꿰찼다···'멜로가 체질" [Yoon Ji-on, drunk driving aid Oh Seung-yoon took the place... 'Melo is constitutional']. Newsis. March 8, 2021.
- ^ "'은주의 방' 윤지온 "벌써 마지막, 아쉬움 가득하다" 종영소감" [Eunjoo's Room' Yoon Ji-on "It's already the last, full of regrets]. Newsen. March 14, 2021.
- ^ "윤지온, '미션' 학도병 '은주의 방' 직진 연하남 '검블유' 반전남 활약" [Yoon Ji-on, 'Mission' student soldier 'Eun-ju's room', younger man 'Gumbleu' Reversal of action]. Newsen. March 26, 2021.
- ^ "'멜로가 체질' 윤지온 "뒤늦은 합류, 잠못 이룬 촬영...그래도 좋았어요" ['Melo is constitutional' Yoon Ji-on "Joining late, filming without sleep... it was good]. Ten Asia. May 28, 2021.
- ^ "윤지온, KBS 2TV 드라마스페셜 2020 '모단걸' 문학교사 변신" [Yoon Ji-on, KBS 2TV Drama Special 2020 'Modern Girl' Transformation as a Literature Teacher]. StarNews. July 22, 2021.
- ^ "[공식] 윤지온·강훈·박상남, '너는 나의 봄' 신예 훈남 3인방" [[Official] Ji-on Yoon, Hoon Kang, and Sang-nam Park, 'You Are My Spring', three new handsome men]. Sports Chosun. July 2, 2021.
- ^ "'메모리스트' 윤지온 "기대감 키우는 배우 되고 싶다" [Memorist' Yoon Ji-on "I want to become an actor who raises expectations]. News Joins. June 6, 2021.
- ^ "'싸패다' 윤지온, '멜체' 효봉은 잊어라..배드가이로 극 활력↑" ['Crap' Yoon Ji-on, 'Melche' Forget Hyo-bong.. Extremely energetic as a bad guy↑]. Enews24. June 13, 2021.
- ^ "윤지온, 열일 행보로 2021년 최고의 신스틸러 등극" [Ji-on Yoon, the best scene stealer in 2021 with hard work]. StarNews. June 20, 2021.
- ^ "윤지온, 드라마스페셜 '모단걸' 캐스팅…진지희와 호흡" [Ji-on Yoon, cast in drama special 'Modern Girl'... Breathing with Jin Ji-hee]. Osen. July 27, 2021.
- ^ "'너나봄' 윤지온, 막내 형사의 3단 성장 모먼트" ['You're Spring' Yoon Ji-on, the youngest detective's three-step growth moment]. StarNews. July 8, 2021.
- ^ "'이별유예 일주일' 윤지온, 선악 오가는 오묘한 매력 '몰입도" [Parting grace week' Ji-on Yoon, the mysterious charm of good and evil 'immersion level]. News1. July 10, 2021.
- ^ "'월간집' 윤지온, 사랑·우정 모두 쟁취..대체불가 매력 발산" ['Monthly House' Yoon Ji-on, wins both love and friendship... Shows irreplaceable charm]. StarNews. July 13, 2021.
- ^ "윤지온, 드라마 '지리산' 캐스팅 확정, 신 스틸러 면모 과시 예정" [Ji-on Yoon, cast confirmed for drama 'Mt. Jirisan', plans to show off her new stealer aspect]. MBC Entertainment. July 24, 2021.
- ^ Kim Ji-young (October 18, 2021). "[단독] 윤지온, '내일' 출연…김희선X로운과 나란히" [[Exclusive] Ji-on Yoon to appear in 'Tomorrow'... Side by side with Kim Hee-sun and Rowoon]. JoyNews 24 (dalam bahasa Korea). Diakses tanggal October 18, 2021.
- ^ Baek Seung-hoon (November 18, 2021). "윤지온, 드라마 '내일' 합류…김희선·로운과 호흡 [공식입장]" [Ji-on Yoon joins the drama 'Tomorrow'... Breathing with Kim Hee-sun and Rowoon [Official Position]] (dalam bahasa Korea). iMBC. Diakses tanggal November 18, 2021 – via Naver.
- ^ Yoo Soo-yeon (May 4, 2023). "'소용없어 거짓말', 김소현X황민현X윤지온X서지훈X이시우 퍼펙트 라인업...7월 첫 방송" ['Useless Lies', Kim So-hyun X Hwang Min-hyun X Yoon Ji-on X Seo Ji-hoon X Lee Si-woo perfect lineup... First broadcast in July] (dalam bahasa Korea). OSEN. Diakses tanggal May 4, 2023 – via Naver.
- ^ Park Ah-reum (November 22, 2022). "윤지온 '우연일까' 출연 확정, 인기 작가 된다[공식]" [Yoon Ji-on confirmed to appear in 'Is it a coincidence', become a popular writer [Official]]. Newsen (dalam bahasa Korea). Diakses tanggal November 22, 2022 – via Naver.
- ^ "[어디서 봤더라]박규영, 표지모델이 '악마판사'에 오기까지" [[Where did you see it] Park Gyu-young, until the cover model came to 'Devil Judge]. News Culture. July 6, 2021.
- ^ "'이상적 남친상' 윤지온 보려면…'마녀식당으로 오세요" [To see Yoon Ji-on's ideal boyfriend... 'Come to the witch's restaurant']. Newsis. July 17, 2021.