Vi Hart

Ica artiklo bezonas revizo da ula persono qua konocas ambe Ido, ed ica temo ciencala, teknologiala, matematikala, filozofiala, sportala, edc.
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Viktoria Hart, plu bone konocata kom Vi Hart (n. 1988) esas su-proklamita "Rekreativa Matemati-muzikifisto." El kreas videi* pri matematiko che YouTube.[1][2][3] El employesas da tale nomizita "Kah-Akademio".

El esas filio di matematikala skultisto George W. Hart e Karol Hart. Kande lu evis 13 yari, asistis konfero pri komputerala geometrio. Pro to, el divenis "amikino di matematiko".[4]

  1. Chang, Kenneth (January 17, 2011), "Bending and Stretching Classroom Lessons to Make Math Inspire", New York Times.
  2. Bell, Melissa (December 17, 2010), "Making math magic: Vi Hart doodles her lessons", Washington Post.
  3. Krulwich, Robert (December 16, 2010), I Hate Math! (Not After This, You Won't), National Public Radio.
  4. Stony Brook University Reseacher of the Month, Stony Brook University Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities.