Servant of Love

Servant of Love
album in studio
ArtistaPatty Griffin
Pubblicazione25 settembre 2015
EtichettaPGM Recordings, Thirty Tigers
ProduttoreCraig Ross
Patty Griffin - cronologia
Album precedente
Album successivo

Servant of Love è il nono album in studio della cantautrice statunitense Patty Griffin, pubblicato nel 2015.

  1. Servant of Love – 5:06
  2. Gunpowder – 4:22
  3. Good and Gone – 3:11
  4. Hurt a Little While – 4:06
  5. 250,000 Miles – 4:32
  6. Made of the Sun – 3:55
  7. Everything's Changed – 3:42
  8. Rider of Days – 3:31
  9. There Isn't One Way – 4:03
  10. Noble Ground – 4:05
  11. Snake Charmer – 2:32
  12. You Never Asked Me – 3:38
  13. Shine a Different Way – 5:17

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