Still Brazy

Still Brazy
album in studio
Pubblicazione17 giugno 2016
GenereWest Coast hip hop
Gangsta rap
Etichetta400, CTE, Def Jam
FormatiDownload digitale, streaming
Dischi d'oroStati Uniti (bandiera) Stati Uniti[1]
(vendite: 500 000+)
YG - cronologia
Album precedente
Album successivo

Still Brazy è il secondo album in studio del rapper statunitense YG, pubblicato nel 2016.

  1. Pops Hot Intro – 0:14
  2. Don't Come to LA (featuring Sad Boy, A.D. & Bricc Baby) – 3:35
  3. Who Shot Me? – 3:47
  4. Word Is Bond (featuring Slim 400) – 3:16
  5. Twist My Fingaz – 4:14
  6. Good Times Interlude (featuring Syke 800, Duce, Marley Blu & Burnt Out) – 0:38
  7. Gimmie Got Shot – 2:46
  8. I Got a Question (featuring Lil Wayne) – 3:38
  9. Why You Always Hatin? (featuring Drake & Kamaiyah) – 3:16
  10. My Perception (featuring Slim 400) – 0:14
  11. Bool, Balm & Bollective – 3:35
  12. She Wish She Was (featuring Joe Moses & Jay 305) – 3:57
  13. YG Be Safe (featuring The Homegirl) – 0:03
  14. Still Brazy – 3:22
  15. FDT (featuring Nipsey Hussle) – 3:46
  16. Blacks & Browns (featuring Sad Boy) – 4:10
  17. Police Get Away wit Murder – 3:19

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