Sistem Thorne (1992) iku sistem tklasifikasi tetuwuhan sing dibabar déning botanis Robert F. Thorne (1920- ). Ing taun 2000 panjenengané ngganti nganggo sistem anyar. Kaloro sistem iku dibabar ing:
Sistem iki kasediakaké kanthi online ing loro situs. yakuwi, ing Center for the Study of Digital Libraries Texas A&M (CSDL, Texas Archived 2008-05-11 at the Wayback Machine.). lan ing 1999 lecture notes by J.L. Reveal, at that time a professor at the Norton Brown Herbarium, University of Maryland (1, 2, 3; with an extensive listing of synonyms, both nomenclatural and taxonomic, for each name in the system). According to the latter site the main groups in the system are:
Sistem Thorne (1992) ndaftar ana 440 famili lan 69 ordo: