Crescentius Matherus

Crescentius Matherus anno 1688, cum Londinii moratus esset. Effigies ab Ioanne van der Spriett facta.
Domus a Crescentio Mathero anno 1677 aedificata, prope angulum septentrionale viarum Hanover et North Bennet Bostoniae, usque ad initium saeculi vicensimi superfuit.

Crescentius Matherus[1][2] (Anglice Increase Mather; 21 Iunii 163923 Augusti 1723) fuit orator, scriptor, et maior persona in prima historia Coloniae Sinus Massachusettensium et Provinciae Sinus Massachusettensium (nunc Respublica Massachusettensis). Fuit clericus Puritanus qui se cum gubernatione coloniae, administratione Collegii Harvardiani, et infamissime iudiciis sagarum Salem coniunxit. Fuit filius Ricardi Matheri paterque Cottoni Matheri, quorum ambo ministri Puritani magni momenti fuerunt.

Inter eius plus quam 125 opera prolata, opera sequentia fortasse sunt notabilissima:

  • The Mystery of Israel's Salvation (1669)
  • The Life and Death of That Reverend Man of God, Mr. Richard Mather (1670)
  • Wo to Drunkards: Two sermons Testifying against the Sin of Drunkenness (1673)
  • The Day of Trouble Is Near (1674)
  • A Discourse concerning the Subject of Baptisme (1675)
  • The Wicked Mans Portion (1675)
  • ' 'Catechismus Logicus (1675), conversus et editus a Rick Kennedy et Thomas Knoles, Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society 109 (1999): 183-223
  • A Brief History of the Warr With the Indians in New-England (1676)
  • An Earnest Exhortation To the Inhabitants of New-England (1676)
  • A Relation of the Troubles which Have Hapned in New-England by Reason of the Indians There from the Year 1614 to the Year 1675 (1677)
  • A Discourse concerning the Danger of Apostasy (1679)
  • The Divine Right of Infant-Baptisme Asserted and Proved from Scripture and Antiquity (1680)
  • A Confession of Faith Owned and Consented unto by the Elders and Messengers of the Churches Assembled at Boston (1680)
  • Heavens Alarm to the World (1681)
  • Diatriba de signo Filii Hominis, et de secundo Messiæ adventu; ubi de modo futuræ judæorum conversionis; nec non de signis novissimi diei, disseritur (1682)
  • Kometographia, or, A Discourse concerning Comets (1683)
  • An Essay for the Recording of Illustrious Providences (1684)
  • An Arrow against Profane and Promiscuous Dancing Drawn out of the Quiver of Scriptures (1684)
  • The Mystery of Christ Opened and Applyed in Several Sermons concerning the Person, Office, and Glory of Jesus Christ (1686)
  • De successu evangelij apud Indos in Novâ-Angliâ epistola (1688)
  • A Narrative of the Miseries of New-England, by Reason of an Arbitrary Government Erected There under Sir Edmond Andross (1688)
  • Cases of Conscience Concerning Evil Spirits (1693)
  • A Further Account of the Tryals of the New-England Witches (1693)
  • Angelographia, or, A Discourse concerning the Nature and Power of the Holy Angels (1696)
  • The Order of the Gospel, Professed and Practised by the Churches of Christ in New-England (1700)
  • The Blessed Hope, and the Glorious Appearing of the Great God our Saviour, Jesus Christ (1701)
  • Ichabod: or, The Glory Departing (1702)
  • Soul-saving Gospel Truths (1703)
  • A Discourse concerning Earthquakes (1706)
  • A Dissertation concerning the Future Conversion of the Jewish Nation (1709)
  • Meditations on the Glory of the Heavenly World (1711)
  • A Disquisition concerning Ecclesiastical Councils (1716)

Nexus interni

  1. Cottonus Matherus, Magnalia Christi Americana (1702), p. 137.
  2. "Increase, or, as he writes in his Latin books, Crescentius Matherus." Life and Correspondence of Joseph Priestley, ed. John Towill Rutt, p. 294.


[recensere | fontem recensere]
  • Hall, Michael G. 1992. The Last American Puritan: The Life of Increase Mather. Wesleyan.
  • Holmes, Thomas James. 1931. Increase Mather: A Bibliography of His Works. Cleveland.
  • Kennedy, Rick, et Thomas Knoles. 1999. Increase Mather’s Catechismus Logicus: A Translation and an Analysis of the Role of a Ramist Catechism at Harvard. Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society' 109:145–181.
  • Lowance, Mason I. 1974. Increase Mather. Novi Eboraci: Twayne Publishers. ISBN 0805704779.
  • Middlekauff, Robert. 1971. The Mathers: Three Generations of Puritan Intellectuals, 1596–1728. Novi Eboraci.
  • Murdock, Kenneth B. 1925. Increase Mather: The Foremost American Puritan. Cantabrigiae Massachusettae.

Nexus externi

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