
Plantae — Angiospermae
Ordo : Sapindales 
Familia : Rutaceae 
Subfamilia : Aurantioideae 
Tribus : Citreae 
Subtribus : Triphasiinae 
Genus : Monanthocitrus 

Monanthocitrus est genus plantarum florentium familiae Rutacearum. Species notabilissima fortasse est Monanthocitrus oblanceolata. Inter species sunt:

  1. B. C. Stone (1985), "New and noteworthy Paleotropical species of Rutaceae," Proceedings of The Academy of Natural Sciences 137(2):217.
  2. Monanthocitrus cornuta. Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN).
  3. World Conservation Monitoring Centre (1998), Monanthocitrus oblanceolata. In IUCN 2013. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2013.1.
  4. B. C. Stone et D. T. Jones (1988), "New and noteworthy Rutaceae: Aurantioideae from northern Borneo. Studies in Malesian Rutaceae, V.," Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 140(2):267–274.
  5. W. Takeuchi (2013), "Floristic records from the upper Sepik of Papua New Guinea: Aristolochia chrismülleriana sp. nov. (Aristolochiaceae), Monanthocitrus paludosa (Rutaceae), and Secamone timorensis (Apocynaceae)," Phytotaxa 114(1):51–57.

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Situs scientifici: Tropicos • GRIN • NCBI • Biodiversity • Encyclopedia of Life • Plant Name Index
Vide "Monanthocitrum" apud Vicispecies.